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EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Party A: (Hereinafter referred to as “Employer”) 甲方: (以下称为“校方”) Party B: ___________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Employee”) 乙方:___________________(以后称为“员”) Passport Number/护照号码: ______________________________________ Matters in relation to this Employment Contract and other rights and responsibilities for both parties in this contract shall be in accordance to the law, regulations and articles specified in the “Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China”. 与本合同相关的事宜及合同双方的其它权利和义务都必须符合法律,法规和《中华人民共和国劳动法》中所规定的条款。 This contract is subject to changes as to comply with local labor laws. If local labor laws do not address the specific terms of this contract, this contract will prevail. This Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is signed on the basis of equality, under the principles of willingness and agreement. 本合同(以下简称为“合同”)在平等的基础上,以双方自愿,协商为原则签订的。 Title of Position/职位名称: The Title of the Employee is “______ESL Foreign Teacher_____”___外籍教师____(中文) Employment Contract Period: 合同期限 The contract is for a full-time employment, commencing from _______until _________, including the probation period from_________ until__________, 本合同自 _______年月日至年月日 _______年月日至年____月日 Duties/工作职责: The duties to be performed by the Employee include/雇员应尽以下工作职责:Teaching up to 5 EFL classes per day; 每天上课不超过5节; Doing/participating monthly orientation and on-job training; 进行或参与每月岗前培训和在职培训; Doing student level placement, supervising exams and giving end-of-level tests; 为学员做级别鉴定,进行监考并做学员的级末测试; English language learning counseling; 为学员的英文学习进行咨询; Participating in and organizing the school’s social programs and events including Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) for the Academic Department; 参加并组织学校的各种社会活动,包括教学部的各项课外活动; Giving demo classes to potential customers to help with student recruiting; 为潜在学员做演示课并帮助学校进行招生活动; Participating in promotional and marketing activities organized by the center or


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