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现代大学英语精读2练习与答案Lesson Six The Man in the Water 1. Practice using the rules of word formation. 1 1) Examine how the words immovable and incapable are formed. Find out the meanin of the prefixes im- and in- with the help of a dictionary. 1 2) Turn the following words into the opposite by adding either im-, in- or un-. Add more 2 words to the list. 2 3) Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets in their proper forms. 2 2. Give the opposites of the following. 3 4. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. 3 5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. 3 6. Put the Chinese into English. 3 7. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese in the brackets. 4 8. Complete the sentences, using the idiomatic expressions of “hand” listed below. 4 9. Give the meanings of the underlined parts in the sentences below. Note how the meanings are different in a different context. 4 11. Give the verb pattern of the underlined part in the sentence below, list other possible verbs, and then put the Chinese into English, using the pattern and the verbs in the brackets. 5 12. Put in the missing words. 5 III. Grammar 5 2. Complete each of the sentences with an indefinite pronoun beginning with any/some/every/no, add “’s” or “else(‘s)” where necessary. 5 2) anything, something, everything, nothing 6 3) Put in indefinite pronouns beginning with any/some/every/no. 6 3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using a that-clause. 6 4. Answer the questions on the four heroes in the disaster, using modals. Give as many answers as you can. 7 5. Put in the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 7 6. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences. 7 IV. Written work 8 1. Practice using the rules of word formation. 1) Examine how the words immovable and incapable are formed. Find out the meanin of the prefixes im- and in- with the help of a dictionary. The prefix in- meaning no


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