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Key to the Exercises 3. 15) out of sight 16) in this instance 17) to think well/ill of sb 18) to confront sb with sth 19) to lag behind 20) to confer sth on sb 21) for my money 22) to be too much for sb 23) to make for 24) to set out to do sth 25) few and far between 26) to aspire to 27) at the best of times 28) all over again 29) to do away with 30) to stand to lose 4.Increase your vacabulary with the help of the rules of word-building 1) Find the most useful derivatives of the following. satisfy: satisfied, satisfying, satisfactory, satisfaction, unsatisfied, dissatisfied resist: resistance, resistant, irresistible just: unjust, justice, injustice, justify, justified, justification, justifiable cohere: coherent, coherence, incoherent, incoherence center ( v): center (n. ), central, centralize, centralization, decentralize, decentralization visit: visitor, visitation, revisit (The following words are also related to visit: visible, invisible, visibility, vision, visual, television, supervise) integrate: integration, integrated, integral, disintegrate, disintegration, integrity More Work on theText Vocabulary 1. 1) into Chinese. 1) into Chinese. (1)浴巾 (2) (美)小学 (3)永恒的真理 (4)文件柜 (5)纯属无稽之谈 (6)违规行为 (7)常客 (8)新鲜空气 (9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调) (10)一种固定的观点 (11)时事(当前国内外大事) (12)身体障碍 (14)令人厌恶的景象 (15)言语障碍 7)无情的人侵者 (19)国际联盟(国联) (20)思维过程(思想方式) (21)条理清楚的文章 (22)一个完整的体系 (23)一位口译好手 (25)烂苹果 (27)一位点头之交 into English. (1) to sink ones head (2) to sink the ship (3) to contemplate the meaning of life (4) to catch the light (5) to ruin ones health (6) to ruin the country (7) to bang the desk (8) to playa prominent role (9) to hold a prominent position (10) a pious Buddhist (11) to gain a reputation (12) to satisfy ones ego (13) to give sb the third degree (14) to devise a teaching method (15) to slide a gun into sbs hand 2. 1) Synonyms. (1) to spring (to jump, to leap) (2) lest (for fear that) (3) utterly (completely) (4) to s


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