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A survey study usually involves a relatively large sample and is descriptive in nature.It either describes ①the features of a few variables or② the relation between two or more variables.调查研究指的是采用观察、问卷、访谈等方式从一个样本那里收集资料,通过对资料的分析来认识社会现象及其规律。(孙三军 周晓岩,2011,p.22)11 Questionnaires are any written instruments that present respondents with a series of questions or statements to which they are to react either by writing or their answers or selecting from among existing answers. Brown, 2001:6What is a questionnaire?2 The questionnaire is one of the most widely used techniques for collecting quantitative data. Advantages: less time & less expense. Disadvantages: lacking of theory in the sense that there are no scientific principles that guarantee an optimal or ideal questionnaire.1The main parts of a questionnaireTitleInstruction : Instructions are of two types: - general instruction at the beginning of the questionnaire - specific instructions introducing each new task(3) Questionnaire items(4) Final “thank you”3我是…, 为了…,而组织了此次调查。本问卷列出了…,这些看法无对错之分,所收集的数据仅用于研究。本问卷为匿名调查,你无需填写姓名。请根据自己的实际情况回答问题,所填答案一定要能真实地反映你在外语学习中的看法和做法。您的回答将对…提供帮助。 问卷说明的重要性:至关重要。受访者往往在阅读问卷说明后决定是否接受问卷调查,好的问卷说明是保证问卷数据质量的先决条件。问卷说明举例4 Basically, there are two types of questions: open-ended questions or unstructured questions versus closed questions or structured questions.Open-ended questions refer to those whose answers are in the respondent’s own words and are difficult to predict.In closed-questions or structured questions, the researcher provides respondents with a set of response alternatives.The closed-question may be ①multiple-choice, ②dichotomous or ③a scale. (p108-109)56Comparative scales involve the direct comparison of choices. For example:How do you improve your reading skills? ( Rank order the following items according to the frequency of your actions)Read English magazinesRead English newspapersRead simplified novels78Likert scaleThe Likert scale was first introduced by Rensis Likert. As an exampl


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