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NDJ-1型旋转式粘度计使用说明书 NDJ-1 Rotational Viscometer Instruction Manual 产品应用:Application 本产品广泛应用于测定油脂,油漆,塑料,食品,药物,胶粘剂,化妆品等各种流体的粘性阻力与液体的绝对粘度。在使用时必须按照说明书的要求进行安装和测量工作。 NDJ-1 Rotational Viscometer is a novel instrument to be used in measuring the viscous resistance and the absolute viscosity of fluid.It is widely applicable to determine the viscosity of various kinds of fluids, such as grease, paint, plastics, food products, pharmaceuticals, bonding agent, etc. 1.主要技术规格: ??测量范围:10~ 100000 map.s ??转速:??? 6,12,30,60 Spin/minute ??测量误差:±5%(牛顿液体) ??电源:??? 220V±10V,50Hz Main Technical Specification: ??Range:Medium Viscosity? 10-100,000mPa.s ?????????? Low Viscosity????? 0.1-100mPa.s ?????????? Medium Viscosity?? 4 Rotors of No.s 1,2,3 and 4. ?????????? Low Viscosity????? 1 Rotor of No.0 ??Speed of Rotor:6rpm,12rpm,30rpm and 60rpm. ??Measurement tolerance: ±5%(Newtonian fluid) ??Power Supply:220V±10%V.50Hz 2.安装: 1)?从包装箱中取出机箱底座与支柱。 2)?将三只水平调整脚旋入底座螺丝孔中(图一) 3)?主机安装: a.?旋松机箱中螺钉取出主机。 b.?旋松手柄固定钮,将电源线嵌入手柄夹头槽内 c.?将手柄穿入夹头槽底圆孔中 d.?旋紧手柄固定钮夹紧手柄,并使主机基本保持水平 e.?拆除指针主杆上的橡皮圈和主机下端的黄色包装套圈。 警告!在未拆除上述两项前不可通电开机,否则将损坏机器。 f.?接上电源,调整水平调整脚,使水准器中水平泡居于中心圆圈中。 Installation: 1)?Take out the support stand, column from the packing box. 2)?Screw the column into the hole at the rear of the support stand with the teethed side facing the front of the support stand. Tighten the 3 adjustments underneath the stand support. 3)?Installation of Main Body: a.?Take out of the main body and loose the screw. b.?Loose the fixed button and embed the power cord into the groove of the clamp. c.?Let the handle get through the hole of groove of the clamp. d.?Tighten the fixing screw on lever and keep the main body horizontal. e.?Remove the rubber band on the indicator control lever, release the yellow screw at the lower end of the instrument and lastly remove the yellow packing ring. ?Warning! Do not power on before the 2 operations above, otherwise damage will be caused. f.?Power on, make adjustment of the support stand and make sure


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