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本科学生毕业论文 东风越野平板运输车转向机构设计 系部名称: 汽车工程系 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一一年六月 The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree Design of Steering Mechanism of Dong Feng Flat Board transporter Candidate: Specialty: Class: Supervisor: Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2011-06·Harbin 摘 要 在汽车行驶中,转向运动是最基本的运动。我们通过方向盘来操纵和控制汽车的行驶方向,从而实现自己的行驶意图。在现代汽车上,转向系统是必不可少的最基本的系统之一,它也是决定汽车主动安全性的关键总成,如何设计汽车的转向特性,使汽车具有良好的操纵性能,始终是各汽车厂家和科研机构的重要课题。ABSTRACT In the process of travelling, steering is the most basic movement. We operate and control the automobile through the steering wheel, thus to achieve our intention of driving. On the modern automobile, the steering system is one of the most basic systems, it is also a essential unit which affect the automobile’s initiative secure. How to design the steering characteristic of automobile, enable the automobile to have good handling quality, which is always an important topic to various automobiles factory and the scientific research institution. Especially at the time of coming to high speed, drivers becoming personnel amateur, stream of vehicles crowded today, in view of the different crowd of driving, the design of automobile appears especially importantly. This article mainly introduc automobile steering composition and function system, and uses the correlate data to carry on the design which based on mechanical type rotation gear, carriy on the analysis to each kind of mechanical diverter advantages, designs the corresponding steering gear. Analysising the advantages and defect of different kind of streeing machinery,and carry on designing the whole and part on cad roof. Key words:Drive; Steering System; Diverter; Design; Calculate 第1章 绪 论 1.1 引言 汽车在行驶过程中,为了适应各种道路情况和行驶条件,经常需要改变行驶方向或修正行驶方向,如转向、超车和避让等。因此,转向系对汽车行驶的适应性、安全性都具有重要的意义,转向系统的性能直接影响着汽车的操



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