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请翻译下面的短语: 1、在地上 2、在书包里面 3、在门后面 4、在椅子下面 5、在窗帘前面 on the floor in the schoolbag behind the door under the chair in front of the curtains PLAY GAMES * * * * Revision By Li Yanyan chair椅子 desk桌子 board黑板 door门 window窗户 floor地板 light灯 curtains窗帘 Whats this? Its a ... Look, this is my classroom. It’s lovely. There is a big b_______ on the wall. It’s black. There are eight red c_______ and seven green d_______ in my classroom. There are green c_______and two w______. I like my classroom. chairs desks board door windows curtains board chairs desks curtains windows in on under behind in front of 介词 绕口令: in in 在里面 on on 在上面 under under 在下面 behind behind 在后面 in front of in front of 在前面 Think and Say Where is the ball? Its... in on under behind in front of Is there a …?(用于单数) 这里有一个……吗? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 是的,这里有。/不,这里没有。 Are there any …?(用于复数) 这里有……吗? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. 是的,这里有。/不,这里没有。 Sentences Key point: Is there…? Are there…? Is there a pig under the desk? Yes, there is. Are there any chairs in the room? Yes, there are. 表示哪里存在某物可以用 there be句型表示: There is … There are … ⑴.There is + 单数名词/ 不可数名词+介词+地点状语 There is a cat in the schoolbag. 书包里面有一只猫。 There is a chair and two books on the desk.桌子上面有一张椅子和两本书。(根据靠近be动词的那个名词的单复数来决定be动词的形式。) ⑵. There are + 复数名词+介词+地点状语 There are two desks in front of the board. 黑板前面有两张桌子。 There are six apples and a clock under the bed. 床下有六个苹果和一个钟。(根据靠近be动词的那个名词的单复数来决定be动词的形式。) 1. There is a pen under the desk. 2. There is four books in the schoolbag. 3. There are a cat behind the curtains. 4. There is a chair in front of the door. 5. There is two chairs in the classroom. 判断对错 are is are 1. a cat behind curtains There is a cat behind the curtains. 2. a chair in front of door There is a chair in front of the


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