毕业论文(设计)_发电厂电气一次系统设计 .docVIP

毕业论文(设计)_发电厂电气一次系统设计 .doc

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发电厂电气一次系统设计 摘 要 现代电力工业在国际上已迅速发展,其发展的特点是采用大容量发电机组,超高压输电线路和巨大的水、火、核电联合电力系统。电力工业的迅速发展对发电厂的设计提出了更高的要求,需要我们认真的对待。 发电厂是将各种一次能源转变成电能的工厂。它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系起来,将电能输送出去。 本设计是对一高压侧110kV,2回出线;中压侧35kV,4回出线;低压侧6kV,10回出线的发电厂一次系统进行的初步设计。 本设计首先进行了原始资料的分析。通过分析,了解该发电厂的类型,负荷情况等;然后,再依据发电厂的电压等级、出线数目及其负荷大小,拟定出多种接线方案,再通过初步技术比较,确定两个方案;再根据选择主变的原理和所给的该发电厂各电压等级的最大负荷量,确定了主变容量、台数及型号;然后,选择各个短路点,进行短路电流计算,为下面的电气设备选择打下基础;再次,便是根据上述设计成果确定各电气设备并通过经济比较确定最优方案,确定配电设备。 最后根据这地区的雷雨情况配置避雷与接地装置,及配电装置。最后完成电气主接线、电气总平面布置、防雷与接地图。 关键字:接线方案;短路计算;设备选择;防雷保护;配电装置 A DESIGN OF ELECTRIC MAIN SYSTEM FOR POWER STATION Abstract Mordern power industry has been rapidly developed in the world.Its characteristics are using large capacity unit , transmission line of extra high voltage , and large water , fire ,nuclear power combined system. The rapid development of power industry has put a higher requirments to the design of power station . And we need to treat it seriously . Power Stations are the factories of turning all sorts of primary energy into electrical . It will link all levels of voltage power grid through its transformer and will supply power to the transmission system. The tentative design is to the first system of the power station which has high-tension side 110kV, two output connections; middle-tension side 35kV, four output connections, low-tension side 6kV, ten output connections. The design has firstly been carried on the analysis of primary source. Passing through the analysis, we can understand the type of this power station, load condition and so on. Secondly, based on the voltage level of power station, load size and the number of outline, we can obtain a wide range of wiring, and then through the preliminary technical comparison, the two options identified. In the light of the principle of choosing main transformer, we can choose the main transformer’s number, capacity and type .Next, selecting each short circuit point and carrying on the calculation of short circuit current, it is the foundation t


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