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本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目 浪莎品牌延伸的风险及规避对策研究 学 院 商学院 专 业 市场营销 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 摘 要 本文首先对品牌延伸的基本理论进行了概述。其次,对品牌延伸的影响因素从有原有品牌、原产品与延伸产品关系、企业自身实力三方面进行分析。其中,原有品牌又可分为品牌形象、核心价值两个因素,原产品与延伸产品关系又可分为关联度和适应度两个因素,企业自身实力又可分为营销能力和竞争环境两个因素。根据品牌延伸影响因素的三个方面六个因素,看浪莎控股集团有限公司的品牌延伸案例,探析浪莎品牌延伸所存在的问题,并针对其品牌延伸存在的问题提出了相对应的规避对策:充分考虑原有品牌;充分考虑原产品与延伸产品关系;充分考虑企业自身实力。这样从分析品牌延伸的影响因素出发来考虑品牌延伸的风险与规避对策,提供一条更清晰、更合理地分析品牌延伸问题的思路,力求企业在品牌延伸问题上有更好的参考意见。 关键词:品牌,品牌延伸因素,品牌延伸,规避对策 Abstract At the first, this article make a brief introduction of the brand extension basic theory .Second, analyze the three aspects of brand extension from the original brand ,the connection of the original product and extension products , their own strength. The original brand can be divided into the brand image of the original brand, the core value, the connection of the original product and extension products can be divided into the related and fitness, the strength can be divided into their own marketing capabilities and the competitive environment. Impact of brand extension based on three factors, the six factors, see Holding Group of Langsha’s case of brand extension, analyze brand extension of Langsha’s problems, and come up with its proposed measures to avoid the risk: give full consideration to the original brand; give full consideration to a the connection of the original product and extension products; give full consideration to their own strength. This way begin with analyzing the impact of brand extension factors ,and then starting to consider the risks and avoid brand extension strategies to provide a clearer, more rational idea of analysis of issues of brand extension, and strive to businesses have a better reference of the issue of brand extension.朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的


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