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武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院 毕业设计(论文)光传输网优化与Transmission Network Performance 学生姓名   学 号 专业班级 指导教师 2013年5月 没有任何剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范的行为,也没有侵犯任何其他人或组织的科研成果及专利如 摘要 随着电信业市场的竞争日益加剧,促使电信经营者越来越关注网络质量和安全。传输网络是保障整个网络质量的基础,经过多期大规模建设和扩容,网络中存在的问题逐渐显示出来,网络优化成为提高网络质量的唯一途径。 对现有传输网络进行优化,就是在现有传输网络上进行数据采集和评估分析,通过深入分析网络现状和业务模型,从承载业务类型及流量模式和带宽分配、网络资源利用、网络安全、光纤和管道资源风险、维护故障分析等诸多方面,提出优化整改方案。从而达到以下目的:提高网络资源利用率;增加网络容量,解决网络瓶颈问题;使之承载的业务更丰富;提高网络的安全性,降低维护成本;使管理更为便捷。 本论文网络优化的必要性网络优化探讨了传输网络优化的关键问题,包括对网络结构、同步方案、网络生存性和多业务支持能力的优化;某地传输网在网络结构、同步方案、网络生存性和网管系统现状存在的问题,了网络进行优化的基本思路可行的优化改造方案表明网络容量资源利用率和多业务能力得到显著的提高,网络服务质量得到改善,可满足当前和未来五年内的业务发展需求。关键词:优化自动交换光网络 Abstract The competition in the telecommunication market has become more and more fierce, which cause a result that the service provider pay more attention to the quality and the security of the network. The transmission network is the foundation of the whole communication network, but due to the mass construction earlier, the shortcomings are getting more and clearer, and the network optimization is the only way to solve the problem. Optimization on the existing transmission network is to estimate and analyze collection data on the network. By in-depth analyses on current network architecture and service model, it puts forward an entire optimization solution on aspects of bore service types, traffic model, bandwidth allocation, network resource efficiency, network security , optic fiber and channel resource risks as well as maintenance and fault analyses. The solution settles the following issues: (1) advancing network resource efficiency; (2) increasing network capacity for its bottleneck; (3) enriching the bore service types; (4) improving network security and decreasing maintenance cost; (5) making network management more convenient. Based on the discussion of necessity of network performance optimization and employment scheme of network optimization, this thesis first studied on the key issues about network o



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