
Unit 4 课后翻译解析.ppt

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汉译英 C-E 1. 她如此专心地读那本书,以至于有人进来她也没意识到。(so…that, be absorbed in, not conscious of) She was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone’s coming. 2. 他第一次会议就迟到了将近一小时,给大家留下了一个很糟糕的印象。(Use a“V-ing” structure) Being late for almost an hour for the first meeting, he leaves a bad impression on everyone. 3. 不管是有意识还是无意识,我们往往会根据对方的眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度对他们作出判断。(consciously or unconsciously, make up one’s mind) Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes. 4. 周教授一生都致力于语言教学事业。(be committed to) Professor Zhou is committed to the cause of language teaching all his lifetime. 5. 许多指导性的书籍都会建议:要想给人留下好印象,其诀窍在于始终如一地保持最佳的自我。(consistently, at one’s best) Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impression, the trick should be consistently you, at your best. 6. 媒体有时会传递含混不清的信息,但大多数人相信亲眼所见胜于耳闻。(mixed messages, over) The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear. 英译汉 E-C 1. Professor Smith’s lecture on body language was so important that all of the students took it seriously. 史密斯教授关于肢体语言的讲座非常重要,因此所有的学生都很认真地对待这次讲座。 2. Realizing it wasn’t her fault, the chairman smiled at her to lighten the atmosphere. 意识到这不是她的过错,董事长对她笑了笑以缓和气氛。 3. She was so angry that she threw my cup on the floor, breaking it into pieces. 盛怒之下,她把我的杯子仍在地上,摔得粉碎。 4. By reading his body language, you can tell whether he is being truthful with you or if he is just giving you an excuse. 通过观察他的肢体语言,你可以判断出他是在跟你说实话还是仅仅找个借口敷衍你。 5. No matter what people are saying to you, remember that sometimes “actions speak louder than words”. 不管人们对你说些什么,记住:有时候“事实胜于雄辩”。 6. Body movements are unconscious forms of expressions and they can convey certain information to the audience. 作为表达感情的无意识形式,肢体动作能向观众传递某种信息。


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