
unit 8 旅游文化与翻译解析.ppt

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Culture and Translation Unit 6 Tourism Translation Tourism Translation 1. Names of scenic spots 2. Tourist Materials 3. Practice 1. Translation of Names of Scenic Spots 1.1. Characteristics Proper noun + common noun 白云山,神女峰。。。 Culture-loaded (place name, human name, or historical facts, etc.) 黄帝陵,三义阁。。。 1.2. possible translation methods: 太和殿 Tai He Dian Taihedian Hall Taihedian (Great Harmony) Hall the Hall of Great Harmony Tai He Dian (Hall of Great Harmony) Transliteration (音译)/ Pinyin Free Translation Transliteration + free translation 世界之窗 Shi Jie Zhi Chuang Window(s) of the World (WOW) 欢乐谷 Huan Le Gu Happy Valley the Valley of Happiness 深圳锦绣中华微缩景区 Splendid China Miniature Scenic Spots in Shenzhen Splendid China Park 青青世界 Green Green World Evergreen Resort Green World 野生动物园 safari park 仙湖植物园 Immortal / Fairy Lake Botanic Garden 深圳市雕,拓荒牛 Path Breaking Bull, a spiritual landmark of Shenzhen City 坤宁宫 Palace of Earthly Tranquility 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity 养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation 1.3.景点翻译注意事项 切勿望文生义! 要查对有关资料,考证史实。 杜甫草堂 Du Fu’s Straw Cottage “草堂”指“屋顶用茅草盖的草堂” Du Fu’s Thatched Cottage thatch: ”(roof covering of) dried straw, reeds, etc.” 寒山寺 Bleak Mountain Temple Temple of Cold Hill Han Shan Temple 虎跑泉 Tiger Running Spring “跑” [páo ,pǎo] Tiger-clawed Spring Tiger Dug Spring 三老石室 The Chamber of the Three Venerables (who are famous seal-engraving artists); …Three Old Men San Lao’s Stone Chamber 2. Translation of Tourist Materials 端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子。 During the Dragon Boat Festival (which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), it is a common practice to eat Zongzi, which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leaves. 释义、增补 (explanation): 旅游资料中源于中国文化的人名、地名、节日名或有关民情风俗的名词术语。。。 翻译时,采用括号注释、同位语或定语从句等形


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