
Unit 3 Fun in school解析.ppt

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Unit 3 Fun in School Isaac Asimov “ There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere. ” (“科学之光只有一束,在任何一处闪耀就可照亮一切。” ) --Isaac Asimov. the “ Big Three ” of “ Golden Age of Sci-Fiction ” in America: Arthur Clarke, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein.美国科幻黄金时代的代表作家, 科幻三巨头:阿瑟·克拉克,艾萨克·阿西莫夫 和 罗伯特·海因莱因 Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov艾萨克·阿西莫夫(1930~1992), 当代美国最著名的科幻大师、世界顶尖级科幻小说作家,也是位文学评论家。 他一生著述近500本,其中有100多部科幻小说。 曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖(Hugo Award for Best Related Work - 1995 )和星云终身成就“大师奖”(Nebula Award for Best Novelette - 1977 The Bicentennial Man)。代表作有《我,机器人》(I, Robot) 、《基地》系列、《钢窟》(The Caves of Steel) 系列、《赤裸太阳》(The Naked Sun) 等。 Preparation What does a typical book look like today? Do you know what a book looked like a thousand years ago? Can you imagine what a book will look like in Year 2110? What about schools and teachers? Fill the table with your ideas. suggested websites: http:// /oldsite/asimov_ catalogue.html http:// /asimov_home_ page.html http:// /2010_ 09/ index.shtml 1,000 years ago Book: words written on silks/ paper books School old-style private school (home school) with a private tutor Teacher only one teacher Today Book: paper books/ electric books School buildings of several floors / classrooms / schoolmates/ tables/ chairs/ funny things/ multimedia teaching equipment Teacher different teachers teaching different courses In 2110 Book electric books/ telebooks School no real schools/ attending school at home Teacher no real teachers/ mechanical teachers Notes to the texts be headed: if a page is headed with a particular word or sentence, it has it on the top 题目是,标题为 e.g. The page was headed Entertainment”. Notes to the texts 1). They turned the pages, … yellow and crinkly, … awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to—on a screen, you know. (Para. 3) They turned the pages of the old books, which were yello


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