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Ms Judy Lee, Partner 李玉燕律师,合伙人 Corporate Commercial 企业及商业法律 About Appleby 我们的机构 Appleby is the only offshore law firm to cover all of the offshore jurisdictions approved by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (Bermuda, BVI, Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey) 毅柏律师事务所是唯一的离岸律师事务所,业务覆盖香港联交所认可的全部离岸司法管辖权区(百慕达、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、根西岛、马恩岛和泽西岛) About Appleby 我们的机构 The largest offshore law firm worldwide 全球首屈一指的最大离岸律师事务所 Full service offshore law firm, specialising in Corporate and Commercial; Litigation and Insolvency; Private Client and Trusts; and Property law 提供全方位服务的离岸律师事务所,擅长企业及商业法律事务;诉讼及债务偿还;私人客户及信托;以及房地产的专业法律意见 Over 800 lawyers and professional specialists, including 80 partners – more than any other offshore firm 我们拥有超过800位律师和专业人士,包括80位合伙人,更胜任何其他离岸律师事务所 Leading provider of offshore fiduciary and administration services including a variety of offshore trust, management and administration services 主要的离岸信托服务与行政管理服务供应商,包括各类离岸信托、管理和行政服务 We have been operating in Asia for over 22 years. We understand the culture and the Chinese market 我们已经扎根于亚洲超过22年,深明这里的文化和中国市场 Appleby Footprint Appleby的全球网点 An unparalleled presence in twelve key jurisdictions 据点进驻 12个主要司法管辖区,网络无可匹敌 International Awards 国际荣誉 2012 2012年 Appleby won ‘Caribbean Trust Company of the Year’? ‘Caribbean Offshore Law Firm of the Year’ at Citywealth Offshore Awards 毅柏荣获Citywealth Offshore Awards离岸律师事务所大奬的“全年最佳加勒比信托公司”和“全年最佳加勒比离岸律师事务所” Appleby is Top Tier?recommended?by Legal 500?in 2011/12 毅柏于2011/12年度为Legal 500推蔫的顶尖律师事务所 International Awards 国际荣誉 2012 2012年 Appleby was named in the Private Client Practitioner’s Top 25 Most Admired Companies Ranking 2012 毅柏2012年跻身Private Client Practitioner的前25大最受尊敬企业 Appleby was the winner of International Legal Team of the Year 2011/12 at the STEP Private Client?Awards 毅柏赢得STEP Private Client Awards的2011/12“全年最佳国际法律团队”(International Legal Team of the Year) Asian Awards and Recognition 亚洲奬项与赞誉 2011 2011年 China Business Law Journal 201


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