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Forms of poems Features Nursery rhymes List poems Cinquain Haiku Tang poems have strong beats/rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to recite have a flexible line length, repeated phrases and some rhyme made up of five lines, convey a strong picture in just a few words read and fill in the form A Japanese form of poetry made up of 17 syllables, give a clear picture and create a special feeling with the minimum of words have been translated into English Reading Try to translate Poems and pay attention to the rhymes and rhythms while translating. Poem A 小宝宝, 别说话, 爸爸给你买个小嘲鸟. 小嘲鸟, 不会唱, 爸爸给你买个钻石戒. 钻石戒, 变成铜, 爸爸给你买个小镜子. 小镜子, 打破了, 爸爸给你买个小山羊. 小山羊, 跑掉了, 爸爸今天再去给你买一只. Poem B 我看到鱼塘在燃烧, 我看到房子向地主哈腰, 我看到人高一丈八, 我看到茅屋在天郊. 我看到气球用铅做, 我看到棺材把死人抛. 我看到麻雀在赛跑, 我看到两匹马儿绣花包. 我看到姑娘像只猫, 我看到小猫戴花帽. 我看到有人在一旁瞄, 说这虽奇怪, 但也把实情道 Poem C 我们本来会得冠…… 如果杰克踢进了那个球, 如果我们还有几分钟, 如果我们训练得更严格, 如果本把球传给了乔, 如果有大批球迷助威, 如果我死死盯住球, 如果我们头晚不熬夜, 如果我们没有筋疲力尽, 我们本来是会得冠… 如果我们能干得更好一些! Poem D 兄弟 爱美, 又爱运动 爱闹, 爱叫, 又爱笑 是我的朋友 也是我的敌人 Poem E 夏天 困乏, 刺激 干涸, 枯萎, 恐怖 周而复始 永无止境 Poem F 落下来的花朵 回到了树枝上. 瞧啊,是个蝴蝶! Poem G 雪儿溶化了, 整个村庄充满着 欢乐的儿童。 Poem H 望夫处,江悠悠。 化为石,不回头。 山头日日风复雨, 行人归来石应语。 (王建,唐朝诗人) Observe poem D and E of Page 11 and find the characteristics of them. the structure of cinquain poems: A cinquain is made up of _______ lines and has the following structure: Line 1: a ________ that names the subject of the poem Line 2: two ____________ that describe the subject Line 3: three __________ ending with ________ that describe the subject’s actions Line 4: four ___________ that give the writer’s opinions or feelings about the subject Line 5: a _________ that gives another name for the subject 5 noun adjectives verbs -ing words noun 5 Look at the photos and create a cinquain poem individually 广铁一中2015体育节 What did you do during the sports festival? Running What did you do during the sports festival? Relay-racing What did you do during the sports festival? marching What did you
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