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SHIPDET Chapter 2: Introduction to Development Evaluation 模块2: 发展评价导言 Introduction 导言 Evaluation, What Is It? 什么是评价? Origin and History of the Evaluation Discipline 评价学科的起源和发展历程 Evaluation Development Context 评价的发展背景 Principles and Standards for Development Evaluation 发展评价的原则和标准 Evaluation: What Is It? 什么是评价? Kinds of Evaluations 评价的种类 Formative 形成性评价 focus on improved performance before and during implementation (project, program or policy) 注重(项目、计划或政策)执行前和执行中绩效的提高 Summative 总结性评价 focus on outcomes (consequences) 注重结果(成果) Prospective 前瞻性评价 asses the likely outcomes of proposed interventions 对建议的干预活动后所产生的可能结果进行评估 Is this program/project/policy worth evaluating? 该计划/项目/政策值得进行评价吗? Will the gains be worth the effort/resources expended? 相对于付出的努力和资源,评价获得的收益值得吗? Purpose of Evaluation 评价的目的 Ethical 道德 Managerial 管理 Decisional 决策 Educative and Motivational 教育和激励 Benefits of Evaluation 评价的益处 Helps answer questions about interventions 有助于回答有关干预的问题 Benefits for people 对人的益处 direct vs. indirect 直接或间接 intended vs. unintended 有意或无意 short-term vs. long-term 短期或长期 What to Evaluate? 评价的对象 Projects 项目 Programs 计划 Policies 政策 Organizations 组织 Sectors 部门 Themes 主题 Country assistance 国家援助 Uses of Evaluations 评价的运用 Give feedback on the performance of policies, programs, and projects 对政策、计划和项目的绩效做出反馈 Make policies, programs, and projects accountable for how they use public funds 使政策、计划和项目能对公共资金的使用做出合理解释 Help stakeholders learn more about policies, programs, and projects 帮助利益相关者了解更多有关政策、计划和项目的信息 Carried out around the needs of the primary intended user 围绕主要预期使用者的需求开展评价 Clarify theory of change for projects, programs, and policy 明确项目、计划和政策的变革理论 Evaluation Provides Information on: 评价提供以下几方面的信息: Strategy – 策略层面- Are the right things being done? 是否在做正确的事? Operations – 操作层面- Are things being done right? 做事的方式是否正确? Learning – 学习层面- Are there better ways? 有无其它更好的方法? Monitoring and Evaluation 监测和评


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