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Teaching Plan Unit 3, Module 8 Past Participle Used as Predicative, Attribute, Object Complement in Proof Reading Revision Lesson Teacher 郑瑞琦 Grade Senior 2 Teaching time May 2, 2016 Teaching Aims Knowledge 1 To help students revise something useful and grammar from the text book. 2 To help students learn how to use V-ed used as Predicative, Attribute, Object Complement in Proof Reading Ability 1 To improve students’ skills of recognizing and analyzing Past-participle. 2 To improve students’ ability of correcting the mistakes in Proof Reading. Emotion To enable the students to compete and better cooperate through group work while studying. Important points 1 How to revise the information of the text--The Problem of The Snakes, such as the useful expressions and grammar. 2 How to better apply the grammar they have learned to Proof Reading. Difficult Points How to correct the mistakes of Past Participle Used as Predicative, Attribute, Object Complement in Proof Reading. Method Task-based method Tools A multi-media classroom. Teaching Procedures I. Lead-in Share Mary and David’s We-chat to review the text--The Problem of The Snakes. ①Raise students’ interest. ②Review the text ③Present the material of Past-Participle II. Revise Practice ①Improve students’ skills of analyzing main structure of sentences. ②Ask students to compare the differences of Past Participle Used as Predicative, Attribute, Object Complement. ③lead students to use the grammar correctly. ④lead students to deal with problems through group work actively. ⑤lead students to give their reasons clearly. ⑥inspire students to answer questions bravely. Task 1: Fill in the blanks and tell the reasons. There is something wrong with her mobile phone, please help the girl fill in these missing words. Task 2: Classify the sentences. 过去分词作____表语__________ My mum was __1____


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