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词汇术语 A. 词缀意义(匹配选择) Arthr/o joint 关节 Ruhmat fluid 液体 Cardi/o heart 心脏 Angi/o blood vessel 血管 Spin/o backbone 脊骨 Electr/o electricity 电 Gastr/o stomach 胃 Hepat/o liver 肝 Neur/o nerve 神经 Ur/o urine 尿 Nephr/o kidney 肾脏 -megaly enlargement 肥大 Ven/o vein 静脉 Valv/o valve 瓣 -sclerosis hardening 硬化 Thromb/o clot 血块 -itis inflammation 炎症 Path/o disease 疾病 -therapy treatment 治疗 Radi/o X-ray X光放射 Cervic/o neck 脖子 Lumb/o lower back 腰部 Endo- within, inner 在内部 My/o muscle 肌肉 -gram record 记录,图片 Enter/o intestine 肠 -emia blood condition 血液状况 Atri/o atrium 心房 Crin/o skull 头颅 -rrhage bursting forth of blood 出血 B. 词汇意义(匹配选择) Vertebra bone of the spine 脊骨 Ganglion mass of nerve tissue 神经节 Nuclei center; core 中心,核 Arthritis inflammation of joints 关节炎 Cervical relating to or associated with neck 颈的 Torso the body excluding the head, neck and limbs 躯干 Colonopathy any disease of the colon 结肠疾病 Pathology study of disease 病理学 Histology study of tissues 组织学 Cytology study of cells 细胞学 Oncology study of tumors and cancers 肿瘤学 Urethrostenosis narrowing of a urethra 尿道狭窄 Dysuria painful or difficult urination排尿困难 Psychology study of the mind 心理学 Insomnia lack of sleep 失眠 Encephalitis inflammation of the brain 脑炎 Cardiology study of the heart 心脏病学 Cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart 心脏肥大 Arteriotomy incision of an artery 动脉切除术 Nephritis inflammation of the kidney 肾炎 Proteinuria presence of proteins in the urine 蛋白尿 C. 词汇选择填空 1. The term osteoid means resembling _____. A. joint B. bursa C. bone D. torso 2. A bursolith is a stone in a(n) _____. A. bursa B. muscle C. neck D. joint 3. A chondrocyte is a cell found in _____. A. bone B. cartilage C. joint D. muscle 4. The word cardiogenic means originating in the ____. A


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