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? HYPERLINK /uidid-3384035.html Hdmi edid 数据解析? 一.EDID数据格式: EDID 1.3 data format Byte sequence? 00-19 Header information 00–07 Header information 00h FFh FFh FFh FFh FFh FFh 00h 08–09 Manufacturer ID. These IDs are assigned by Microsoft. 00001=A”; “00010=B”; ... “11010=Z”. Bit 7 (at address 08h) is 0, the first character (letter) is located at bits 6 → 2 (at address 08h), the second character (letter) is located at bits 1 0 (at address 08h) and bits 7 → 5 (at address 09h), and the third character (letter) is located at bits 4 → 0 (at address 09h). 10–11 Product ID Code (stored as LSB first). Assigned by manufacturer. 12–15 32-bit Serial Number. No requirement for the format. Usually stored as LSB first. In order to maintain compatibility with previous requirements the field should set at least one byte of the field to be non-zero if an ASCII serial number descriptor is provided in the detailed timing section. 16 Week of Manufacture. This varies by manufacturer. One way is to count January 1–7 as week 1, January 8–15 as week 2 and so on. Some count based on the week number (Sunday-Saturday). Valid range is 1-54. 17 Year of Manufacture. Add 1990 to the value for actual year. 18 EDID Version Number 01h 19 EDID Revision Number 03h 20-24 Basic display parameters 20 Video input definition 7 0=analog 1=digital 6 video level 00=0.7, 0.3; 01=0.714, 0.286; 10=1, 0.4; 11=0.7, 0 5 4 blank-to-black setup 3 separate syncs 2 composite sync 1 sync on green 0 serration vsync 1=DFP 1.x compatible 21 Maximum Horizontal Image Size (in centimeters). 22 Maximum Vertical Image Size (in centimetres). 23 Display Gamma. Divide by 100, then add 1 for actual value. 24 Power Management and Supported Feature(s): 7 standby 6 suspend 5 active-off/low power 4 Display type: 00=monochrome, 01=RGB colour, 10=non RGB multicolour, 11=undefined 3 2 standard colour space 1 preferred timing mode 0 default GTF supported 25-34 Chromaticity coordinates 25 low significant bits for Red X (bit 7-


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