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摘 要
This design is a high-rise residential building in DaQing city.Its main body is 12 storeys and the height is 36m.The whole area of this building are 6409.2m2.
The design includes two chapters, architecture design and structure design.
The architecture design part includes the entire distribution, the plane and the vertical transportation, the building faces, household choice as well as fire protection and dispersal requestment.
The design of main body structure is the most important part of this paper.The structure system adopts shearing wall structure. It is made up of eight parts, that is, firstly, structure system selection and main body structure arrangement, secondly, differentiation of the shear walls type and rigidity calculation, thirdly, load calculation and horizontal displacement calculation, fourthly, internal force calculation under the horizontal earthquake action, fifthly, internal force calculation under the wind load; sixth, internal force calculation under the vertical load action; seventh, internal force combination; eighthly, calculation of reinforcement of shear walls. Bottom shear method is adopted in calculating horizontal earthquake action .
Key words: high-rise residential buildings; structural design ;shearing wall; combination of internal forces
目 录
第1章 建筑设计…………………………………………………….……………....1
1.1 高层住宅特点………………………………….………………… ………....1
1.2 总体布局……………………………………………..…………….………...2
1.3 平面及竖向交通……………………………………………..………………2
1.4 建筑物朝向…………………………………………………………..……....2
1.5 户型设计……………………………………………………..………..……..3
第2章 结构设计…………………………………………………………..………...6
2.1 概述…………………………………………………………………………..6
2.2 荷载计算……………………………………………………………………20
2.3 水平地震作用及结构内力计算…………………………………………....24
2.4 风荷载作用下结构内力计算………………………………………………43
2.5 竖向荷载作用下结构内力计算……………………………………………48
2.6 内力组合………………………………………………………………...….56
2.7 剪力
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