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摘 要 众所周知,现阶段我国的电力资源损耗十分巨大,而人们的生产及生活又少不了电力资源。以电力供应为例,一些家用电器的耗电量是很大的,比如空调,电暖气等。有些工厂是名副其实的耗电大户,如电解铝、炼钢厂等。在本文中我将介绍一种新的节能的方法,通过以一片为主控制器的单片机电路,采用分时控制,以达到被控制电器设备的工作与否。 此方法的核心实际上是一台基于单片机的数字电子钟,设有LED数码管显示,用来显示实际时间以及显示用按键调整的中断开始和结束的时间,采用6M晶振,通过设置产生精确的定时初值,这样即可完成精确计时;蜂鸣器和发光二极管,用来达到声光报警的作用。由于其体积小、成本低,计时准确,功耗小,不仅适合嵌入到各种能耗大的工控设备中进行控制,也适合居民的家用电器节能控制,而且节能效果显著。关键词:分时控制单片机LED数码管声光报警Abstract As everyone knows, electric power resource of our country loss very enormous the present stage, production and live a life, cant do without the electric power resource also of people. To the electricity supply as an example, some of the electricity consumption is a big household electrical appliances, such as air conditioning, heating, such as. Some of the power plant is truly large, such as aluminum, steel plant, and so on. In this article I will introduce a new energy-saving method, mainly to a STC89S52 Controller MCU circuit, a time-sharing control, to achieve control of electrical equipment was not working. This method is actually the core of a microcontroller based on the number of electronic bell, with the LED digital display, to display the actual time used keys and adjust the suspension to begin and end, a 6 MHz crystal, by setting a Initial precise timing, so to complete the precise time; buzzer and light-emitting diodes, used to reach a sound and light the role of the police. Because of its small size, low cost, timing accuracy, power consumption small, not only for large embedded in all kinds of energy consumption in the industrial control equipment, but also for residents of energy-saving household appliances control, and energy-saving effect significantly. Keywords: shared-time control ;single chip microprocessor;LED digital ;sound and light alarm 目 录 1 绪 论 1 2 节能时控器硬件方案论证 2 2.1 基本模块设计方案论证 2 2.2 控制器方案论证 2 2.3 显示模块方案论证 3 2.4 输出控制模块设计方案论证 3 2.5 键盘电路模块设计方案论证 3 3 节能时控器的需求分析 5 3.1 可行性分析 5 3.2 技术可行性分析 5 3.3 经济分析 5 3.4 时间可行性 5 4 硬件设计 7 4.1 STC89S52简介 7 4.2 数码管显示器显示原理 12 4.2.1 LED数码管显示器



李天佑 + 关注


