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An Intermediate Course of Interpretation 主讲:王春燕 课程对象 中级口译课程是针对通过大学英语六级的非英语专业本科生,有志提高英语实际应用能力的学生开设的专业技能拓展课。 口译中的听辨 与短时记忆训练 Listening and information receiving and short-term memory training 口译中的听辨 “听辨” (Listening and information receiving)不仅要“听”还要“辨”,即思考、分析。 “听辨”是口译过程中的第一阶段。 接收到源语信息,并通过种种分析手段把接收到的信息纳入到我们的理解范畴,以便储存和输出。 口译时该如何听? 从听字词转变为听意思 listen for the ideas instead of the words 从听语言形式转变为听内在含义 listen for sense 从语音听辨转变为语流听辨 听的时候经常问自己:发言人要说什么意思? 宾馆入住 迎宾接待常用词汇 迎宾接待常用词汇 单人间 single room 双人间 double room 单人套房 chambers ?标准间 standard room 普通套房standard suite ??豪华套房luxury/ deluxe suite 总统套房?? presidential suite ?带浴室的双人房? a double room with a bath 山庄别墅 mountain villa 迎宾接待常用表达 迎宾接待常用表达 实战演练 Check in(登记入住) 口译速记 Note-taking 笔记符号系统和缩略语 = the same as, that is to say, in other words, be equal to; match/rival/competitor, counterpart ≈大约, about/around, or so, approximately ∵because of, owing to, due to, thanks to因为,由于,多亏 ∴ so, therefore所以,因此,结果 O ?表示“人”people/person,因为“o”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:Jo。 Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. and Mrs. Collins. I’m Meng Shiqi, Manager of the Overseas Marketing Department of the Shanghai Lianhua Garment Manufacturing ( Group) Corporation. // It’s my pleasure to meet you and your wife here on behalf of Mr. Chen, General Manager of the company. I hope our arrangement for your stay with us meets your requirement. // Mr. Chen would like me to represent the company at our business talks in the next few days. // I will talk with you about the establishment of the company’s overseas sales network. Your advice will be very much appreciated. 口译速记演示 礼仪祝酒 Types Of Ceremonial Speeches 1)Opening ceremony or closing ceremony speeches 开幕/闭幕辞 2) Toasts 祝酒词 3) Graduation Speeches 毕业演说 4)Awards acceptance speeches 获奖感言 5)Welcoming Speeches 欢迎词 6)Condolence and Memorial speeches 哀悼词/k?n`d?ul?ns/ 称呼:从最高级别开始 贵宾们, 女士们,先生们 各位贵宾,尊敬的合作伙伴,女士们,先生们 陈校长,任书记,迟副校长,韦副部长,谢谢你们 顾校长,感谢您充满赞誉之词的介绍.



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