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SHOULDER(S) a shoulder to cry on / to lean on a person who listens to one’s troubles and offers sympathy and kindness Note: There is another saying “a shoulder to lean on ”, which refers to a person whom cone can rely on as a lifelong companion — one’s husband or refers to the same meaning as above 可以向之倾诉而靠得上的肩膀;有同情心的人;有爱心的人;可依靠的可信赖的人;可以依靠的终身伴侣 When you’re depressed, you need a shoulder to cry on. 当你感到压抑,你需要一个可以向之倾诉可以依靠的肩膀。 If you really want to give your loving heart to her, you should offer your shoulder to let her cry on. 如果你真的要对她献出爱心,你要成为她可以依靠的人。 Leaning her head on my shoulder, she began to cry. 她把头靠在我的肩膀上,她就开始哭了。 be, act, stand, etc. shoulder to shoulder be supporting somebody or in agreement with somebody 肩并肩;协力一致;同心协力 We fought shoulder to shoulder to defend our country. 为保卫我们的国家,我们曾肩并作战。 If he were free, he would be fighting shoulder to shoulder with us to win the strike. 如果他没有坐牢的话,他一定和我们同心协力争取罢工的胜利。 I stand shoulder to shoulder with Julia on this important issue. 在这个重要的问题上,我要与朱丽亚同心协力站在一起。 be looking over one’s shoulder be anxious and have the feeling that someone is going to do something unpleasant or harmful to oneself 忧心忡忡;深感忧虑;担心 Many employees are looking over their shoulders, because jobs are at risk and nobody knows who’ll be next. 许多雇员都忧心忡忡,因为他们的工作会随时丢失,没有人知道下一个会是谁丢饭碗。 People are looking over their shoulders: an armament race is always in full, the UN to check that effort has so far proved fruitless, and people who place their hope on swards into ploughshares become disappointed. 人们深感忧虑:军备竞赛总是紧张地进行着,联合国裁军的努力到目前并无多大成效,而人们把希望寄托在铸剑武修文已感到失望。 clap / tap one on the shoulder hit someone gently on the shoulder in order to greet him / her 拍拍肩膀打招呼;表示问候 The director has a habit of tapping people on the shoulder to show his friendship to others. 处长有个排人肩膀表示友谊的习惯。 Suddenly I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. 突然我感到有人在拍我的肩膀打招呼。 He clapped his old friend on the shoulder in greeting. 她拍拍老朋友的肩膀致意。 give somebody the cold shoulder / get the cold s


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