2017整理sherlock holmes.ppt

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The great game(致命游戏) This episode Sherlock finally and the first two episodes Moriarty met behind the attacks. 这一集里Sherlock终于和前两集的幕后黑手Moriarty见面了。 The Scandal In Belgravia (贝尔格莱维亚丑闻) In this episode, adapted from the Bohemian Scandal . in this concentration, Sherlock showed more human side. 本集改编自《波希米亚丑闻》(A Scandal in Bohemia )。 在这一集中,Sherlock展现了更多的人性的一面。 The Reichenbach Fall 莱辛巴赫陨落 John in Sherlock grave said (John在Sherlock的墓前说道 ): “……you were ……the best man……the most human…… human being that Ive ever known, and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie……I was so alone……and I owe you so much……But ,please, theres just one more thing, one more thing, one more miracle, Sherlock, for me, dont be ……dead……just stop it……(……你是……最好的人……我见过的最……有人性的人,谁也别想让我相信你骗了我……我曾经是那么的孤单……我欠了你那么多……但是,求你了,还有一件事,就一件……再多一个奇迹,Sherlock,为了我,不要……那样……死去……让一切都停下来…… )” Sherlock Holmes Claims to occupation for consulting detective, and Dr Watson shares 221 b Baker Street apartment. Usually stay in the apartment waiting for the police consultation or focus on newspapers and online news case, dressed in optional. Mind to respond quickly, insight into every detail, knowledge is rich, in the first time I saw HuaShengShi could see his life. When facing the complicated suspenseful case very excited, depending on the crimes to realize the value of life means to solve crimes, not allowed to interfere with others or negative, nicotine by post to keep thinking excited. In addition to solve crimes, but almost interested in nothing, when there is no case can be broken, pins and needles. Good at reasoning, violin and martial art, using deductive method to infer the case, personal websites for deductive method research, often in the above published some solving experience. Character, self-confidence, aloof and proud, aversion power, usually with people like a child, with the reality is various, once only wrapped in a sheet went to Buckingham Palace, the cases behaviour is against dont know how


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