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继续教育J2EE的网上购物站点的设计与实现 院系名称: 计算机科学与技术 专业班级: 计算机1401 学生姓名: 指导教师: 周 屹 职称: 教 授 黑龙江工程学院继续教育学院 二○一六年四月·哈尔滨 摘 要 随着Internet技术的发展及计算机的广泛应用,信息技术越来越紧密地与国民经济和社会生活结合在一起,电子商务在经济贸易领域已成为潮流。网上作为电子商务系统的一个典型应用,采用无纸贸易,实现快速、准确、双向式数据和信息交流,提供异地交流的形式;便于收集消费者信息,为消费者提供个性化服务;实行无国界经营,不受时间空间的限制Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 架构,使用Java作为服务端开发语言、JavaScript脚本与JSP组件作为页面展示语言,成功设计并实现了一个网上系统,解决了网上系统实现中遇到的购物流程下单流程搜索功能等相关技术问题 关键词:网上商店;商品管理 Abstract With the wide application of Internet technology and the development of computer and information technology and more and more closely integrated with national economic and social life, in economic and trade fields of e-commerce has become the trend. Online shop e-commerce system as a typical application, the use of paperless trading, fast, accurate, two-way exchange of data and information provided in the form of remote communication; facilitate the collection of consumer information, to provide consumers with personalized service; no implementation border business, without time and space constraints. The system is based on Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture, using Java as a server-side development language, JavaScript and JSP script component as a display language page, successfully designed and implemented an online shopping system, online shopping system implementation to solve the encountered technical problems related to the shopping process, order process, search functions. The system is equipped with a sound front, back-office functions, system configuration through the background will show product details to the front of consumers. Consumers can shop selectively according to their needs. Convenient shopping process that is to meet the consumer demand for online shopping, but also for consumers to save valuable time. Key words: Online store; commodity management; order management; user management; rights manag


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