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编号 淮安信息职业技术学院 毕业论文 题 目 基于PLC中央空调控制系统的设计 学生姓名 杨涛 学 号 系 部 电气工程系 专 业 机电一体化 班 级 441010 指导教师 刘乔 顾问教师 胡志培 二〇一二年六月 摘要 中央空调系统是大型建筑物不可缺少的配套设施之一,其电能的消耗非常大。由变频器、PLC构成的控制系统应用在中央空调的冷却水泵和冷凝水泵的节能改造中,使冷却水泵和冷冻水泵能随空调负荷的变化而自动变速运行,达到显著节能效果。本文采用以变频器为核心、PLC控制为手段的控制策略,对的总体方案进行了设计,确定了论文主要的研究内容和研究方法。首先分析系统的组成,确定了变频的基本思路,并给出了控制方案及流。根据需求,在设计中确定了PLC、变频器等设备型号,设计了系统主电路与控制电路,并进行PLC的程序设计及变频的参数设置本系统具有高度的可靠性和实时性,节能效果显著,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。关键词:中央空凋;变频器;PLC Abstract The central air-conditioning system is one of the indispensable supporting facilities of large buildings, its power consumption is very large. A converter, consisting of PLC and control system application in the central air conditioning cooling water pump and condenser water pump energy saving transformation of the cooling water pump, and a freezing water pump with air conditioning load change and automatic transmission operation, significant energy saving effect. This paper adopts the frequency converter as the core, the PLC control as a means of the control strategy, the central air conditioning control system overall programme design, identified the main research contents and research methods. First introduced the development trend of the central air-conditioning, central air-conditioning system analysis, identifies the central air conditioning system of the basic ideas, and gives the control plan and process flow. According to the demand, in the design of the identified PLC, inverter and other equipment models, design of the system main circuit and control circuit, and the PLC program design and variable parameter settings. The system has high reliability and real-time performance, obvious energy saving effect, has obvious economic benefit and social benefit Key words: central air conditioning; frequency converter; PLC 目录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 中央空调在国内外的发展趋势 2 1.3 变频调速技术介绍 2 1.4 PLC在中央空调控制中的应用特点 3 1.4.1 PLC的特点 3 1.4.2 PLC控制中央空调的优点 5 第二章 中央空调系统介绍 6 2.1 中央空调系统简介 6 2.2 中央空调原理图及各结构的作用 6 2.3


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