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本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 组合机床上下料机械手控制系统的设计 Control System Design for Loading and Unloading Manipulator in Modular Machine Tool 学 院: 机械工程学院 专业班级: 机械电子工程 DZ机电071 学生姓名: 王锋 学 号: 510714118 指导教师: 周庆贵(副教授) 2011年 6 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 组合机床上下料机械手控制系统的设计 摘要:在机械制造业中,机械手己被广泛应用,大大地改善了工人的劳动条件,显著地提高劳动生产率,加快了实现工业生产机械化和自动化的步伐。机械手能模仿人手和臂的某些动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的动操作装置。选定拖动方案为液压传动,对液压传动系统的特点进行了分析,介绍了本题所用的液压系统的组成,了液压原理图根据工艺流程和控制要求,选定控制方案,编写I/O地址表和控制程序,画出了系统的主电路图和 Control System Design for Loading and Unloading Manipulator in Modular Machine Tool Abstract: In mechanical manufacturing industry,manipulator has been applied extensively so that the labor condition of worker has been greatly improved,labor productivity raised notably,the step of industrial production mechanization and automation realized rapidly. The mechanical hand, is also called from begins, auto hand can imitate the manpower and arms certain holding function, with by presses the fixed routine to capture, the transporting thing OR operation tools automatic operation installment.The paper introduces a loading and un loading manipalutor in modular machine tool. The mechnical hand of this paper driven by hydraulic system,select and control with PLC.Hydraulic system characteristics:smoothly,long life;realize automation easily;layout flexibly.PLC characteristics:reliability is high,antijamming ability;necessary complete,the function is perfect,serviceable;easy to study to use,the depth is welcome the engineers and technicians;easy to study easily to use,the depth is welcome the engineers and technicians;the devolume is small,the weight is light,the energy consumption is low. The paper selects the scheme of pulling to analyze the characteristic of the hydraulic transmission as hydraulic transmission,introduce the hydraulic and systematic composition that the subject under discussion uses, provide the hydraulic princi



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