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Period Ⅱ Warming Up Reading 1.(教材P33)How does music make_you_feel? 音乐使你感觉如何? 【要点提炼】 本句中make you feel 属于“make +宾语+宾补”结构,宾补是不带to 的动词不定式。 Taking some medicine made me feel much better. 服了药,我感觉好多了。  He was the youngest,but they decided to make him captain.尽管他最年轻,但他们仍决定选他当队长。 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①His appearance made me ________(laugh). ②Can you make yourself ________(understand)in English? ③His actions made him universally _____ (respect). ④I was made ________(repeat) the story. 【答案】 ①laugh ②understood ③respected ④to repeat 2.dream of 梦见;梦想;设想 (教材P34)Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert,at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌唱并为你鼓掌? She dreams of running her own business. 她梦想着自己开公司。 It was the kind of trip most of us only dream of. 这是我们大多数人只能梦想的旅行。 dream of/about(doing) sth. 梦见/梦想/设想(做)某事 have a good/bad dream 做好/噩梦 dream to do sth. 梦想做某事 dream to be... 梦想成为…… dream that... 梦想……  She never dreamed that it could come true. 她从来没想过这能成真。 She dreamed a terrible dream last night,which woke her up. 她昨天晚上做了一个噩梦,把她惊醒了。 完成句子 ①I ________(梦见) flying on the moon last night. ②I ________(梦想成为) a millionaire (百万富翁). ③When she was young,she ________(梦想当医生) in the future. ④I never dreamed ______________(会出这种情况). 【答案】 ①dreamt of ②dream of becoming ③dreamt about being a doctor ④that such a thing could happen 3.pretend vt.vi.假装,假扮 (教材P34)Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? 你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像是宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星呢? They didnt have any real money so they had to pretend. 他们没有真钱,就用假的代替。 pretend to do sth.    假装做某事 pretend to be doing sth. 假装在做某事 pretend to have done sth. 假装做过某事 pretend that... 假装……  He pretended to fall over.他假装跌倒。 She pretended to be doing her homework when her mother came in. 她妈妈进来时,她假装正在做作业。 He pretended that he was ill.他假装有病。 【名师点津】 与时俱进“不定式” pretend后接动词不定式作宾语时,根据不同的语境要求,不定式可以采用一般式、进行式、完成式来表达不同的时间概念。有类似用法的动词还包括:happen,appear,seem,claim,be s


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