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Period Ⅰ 单元预习课 When the Buying Stops,the Killing Can Too 现在打开电视机,就能看到来自体坛和演艺界的巨星们对我们说“没有买卖,就没有杀害”。这些公益广告就是非政府组织——野生救援会的“积极保护野生动物宣传项目”的活动之一。 WildAid is an international no-government organization whose goal is to end the illegal wildlife trade.Rather than a campaign of biology or culture WildAid views the illegal wildlife trade completely as a matter of economics—of supply and demand.Yao Ming is a spokesman for WildAid. WildAids unique Active Conservation Awareness Program(ACAP)is designed to completely reduce the demand for wildlife parts and products—namely in key places such as China and India.WildAid works with media,governments,famous people and local partners and communities worldwide to make wildlife conservation a global priority.The slogan is“When the buying stops,the killing can too”. Every year,countless species are needlessly taken from the wild to satisfy the world market for wildlife.Some of the worlds most endangered species such as the tiger,rhino,elephant,bear and marine turtle are being poached to make dishes,traditional medicines,luxury goods or tourist souvenirs from their body parts.Other species are traded as pets.Many of these animals now face extinction and if we do not help them today,they may not have a future tomorrow and we will only be able to see them in books or on TV. Key to ACAPs success is a portfolio of international and local famous people and influential figures that have recorded personal appeals for support of ACAP.ACAPs international ambassador,martial arts action hero,Jackie Chan was moved to tears by images he saw in ACAPs documentary and henceforth pledged his support to help and promote the campaign. 1.supply and demand    供求 2.luxury goods 奢侈品 1.Does WildAid belong to any country? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2.Whats the goal of WildAid? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3.Write down at least three kin


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