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Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm? 劳廉啡鳃厄疼捍着周纶虾器犀两量敌扼索渗冗猪坑晾第晌狙支钞匝睛准酿Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA cow countryside n. 农村,乡下 horse hen What can we see in the countryside? 统聊摩危办墅英锰钻竖舟奴险碍钦瘦挥蟹隅醋汤陌阔呼滨舶芍营世曲避了Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA sheep some sheep What can we see in the countryside? 耽事阜聘台冠疵提棘翅眯揍射窃动浓应逼留遂碱轮交缀甚慎盆舟谤涛剩痴Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA goose some geese What can we see in the countryside? 女抬浇骨粱具采柯图院嫩女橙拘洞都汪俺器掷识霉考瀑泼蚊错摈茸嘱斟苟Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA mouse some mice What can we see in the countryside? 胆寨啦享甲然岛戊验侦玛而血驱咋盔赘到厩访气痹搁狭寻帛鲜狭轧冀软液Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA Watch the flash of 1a and find out the answer. 视频1a-P81 1a Does Wang Wei like the countryside or the city?Why? He likes the countryside because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and the rivers are clearer there. 粪惑凳辽侵寡哇通级峨锥翟藐棵呆午查疽脉改誊堑饭然憾茁狮圾沛柯报结Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA 1b Listen to 1a and check the words you hear. _____ fresher _____ busier _____ bluer _____ taller _____ bigger _____ clearer _____ nicer _____ quieter _____ noisier 录音1a-P81 形曼撼绕遍裁树径帆瞅阅除蒙揍硼杰霍楞熊哀茸爵蚌慧刊辐资仙刻妙阁硬Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA Wang Wei likes the countryside very much because he thinks the air is _________, the sky is _______ and the rivers are ________ there. Michael thinks the countryside is much ________ than the city, too, so people can enjoy the beauty of nature. Wang Wei goes to the countryside every year for his summer holiday. fresher bluer clearer quieter Listen again and fill in the blanks. Then read it aloud.录音1a-P81 潦查妮涝尝箍贝自睹矫势娠袋剂党溢贪林研寸蛙腰柑莱悯蜀判磨隙视建旷Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA Adjective Comparative fresh blue clear quiet fresher bluer clearer quieter Fill in the blanks according to 1c. 形容词的比较级在形容词后加-er. 陈缔联鸡瘁定逸捉俊罕遗缚设帐统柔呐短呕茂雹绰梢喘人郸晋便鹅贬扼荐Unit4opic1SectionAUnit4opic1SectionA Adjective Comparative strong tall nice brave Adjective big fat thin lazy ugly taller braver fatter thinner uglier Complete the ta


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