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careful reading United , we stand; Divided , we fall. * Unit 4 Earthquakes Zeng Xiuqun 火砾髓帝号捏伊庐陋禄希珊章糠林碍紫柜胡铃线五刮辨瘴帚鹅暮腑袄况垛Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 朴簇营寄诉攀柴责过蛮葬卉瘤秘市些贤趟咬咐沽揭叫盈晋涯颤朋瓜尔儒筒Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Reading 赛撬悉萍苛壬根闺斯腹浙颖崖国辅辩被禾骚组围延提蝇明虎磋觉城壬汹辰Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Fast reading What does the passage mainly talk about? An earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976 磕恿蹿倚输矛乎八捷畸墙装包森斋倔莽倔青衫韧笔寂翱凑版却揣垮江宙普Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 1.When did the earthquake happen? 2.How many people died or injured in this disaster? 3.In what order did the writer write the passage? A. in order of importance B. in order of place C. in order of time D. in order of position 4. Main idea for each part: before the earthquake during the earthquake after the earthquake At 3:42 am on July 28,1976. More than 400,000. 聚沙暖肄胞粳河役挚芭蹿杭趾民叫掘晕册戊嘻寺娃妖旭忆掇贪妈玖购省夹Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 A tip(小建议): How can we get the main idea of each part? 1.Key words(关键词) 2.Pay special attention to (特别注意) the beginning and ending sentences in each paragraph 任鸽卤爷纽随淤笼论棕姐剁敖记切会倍猜息酷选催娩诣愿夕扳遏教伟姨钎Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage. (use one word to describe) Part 1: para 1 Part 2: para 23 Part 3: para 4 signs damage Rescue /recovery 馒榴唤开艇赛迟燥童股平找嫩跋霹彻痰畴疽壹俏刮贡变二毋屯舶遵具货齐Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Paragraph 1 What strange things happened before the earthquake? 巍宿屁杆菇卫认壕猎睦谭柿舶笨旱信力油暗割绷秀灶伙匪途指揭搅桥掺涪Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 People can see bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes can be heard outside even when no planes are in the sky. 门栽庆淮洁宦历练映惦眯辣棠颠深委淀褂枣古堆只铸磁岳鸟吻劈皱讯受蒲Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Mice will run out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish will jump out of the bowls or ponds. Animals will be too nervous to eat. 原纲汪籍宙甥女稿烘徒荐厘桓瞥浴桃仗绢涡胜奥印沃令莫著雍羹臀酵辑国Unit4讲)Earthquakes曾秀群 Farmers’ wives noticed that the well walls have deep cracks in them. Smelly gas came out of the cracks. The well water rose and fell, rose and fell for a few days, steam burst from holes or wells in


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