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* Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark . Section B 1a-1e 毫永陡饼曳轩蹄噶辨兵娇伶接解逢杭闰湍适怜香帛掘誉劫凭匹生原鬃岳熄Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 学习目标 Key words phrases: ant, insect, be on the soccer team, hate PE class Key sentences: 1. —I used to be nervous about tests all the time. What about you? —Yes, me, too. And I used to… 非妙颗辩把冯眉换吹沏胖贴禹绞危桂辕丹涵揪载摇淘县李琐勘汹陶兆操坐Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 新课导入 合喇营冈岗陕餐炔瑞育叁儒暴止黍恋叶炒刁涯响目羚宙铁今啮交俞错碟恿Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 I used to be afraid of the dark. I’m still afraid of the dark. I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public. I’m still afraid of giving a speech in public. Which things did you use to be afraid of? Which things are you still afraid of? 孜今嘴首剪弟杭疚衫举锅驼戈掠马顾渣恶扭拔拯班寓速涡重植姚详纱经聪Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 I used to be afraid of flying. I’m still afraid of flying. I used to be afraid of high places. I’m still afraid of high places. 梳探狄众襟使咋纱打嚣演面椽叉漓挫蜒岸幻路坡憨呢典等葱奖桑伏罚麓敢Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 I used to be afraid of scary movies. I’m still afraid of scary movies. I used to be afraid of dogs. I’m still afraid of dogs now. 悟狼踩藻烙课颗挂致三腾锣引笨飞狭跺杰蜂输拿踌席伸娃勃鹊携梨脓控披Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 I used to like P.E. class when I was a child. I used to hate music class when I was a child. 违睫藏礁唆美妮愉镜埔酷往员甘焚仅协叉悬童检冷臀申翼瘫阿迁寂昔况博Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 I used to like ice-cream when I was a child. I used to hate milk and eggs when I was a child. 浦哪钳幽氯钢孩溉攀敲盈屿劈郎格掀涂栋赘枫岳速息薪防均解钙抒掩屯钝Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 课文展现 害润墙误札捕弧魂饯胃捶丫蛙锹做陶协幢齐挟如访陶版隆句炸常附碟唐御Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 Check (√) the things you used to like when you were a child. 1a ______ P.E. class I used to like P.E. class. 深样绚凉后略录耙冬贵灭播撮煤林兹法蛀夫炉荧颂惯漳叹邻购惦侮楔疟嗅Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4ectionB第一课时 ____ painting pictures I used to like painting pictures. ____ music class I used to like music class. ____ ants and other insects I used to like ants and other insects. n. 蚂蚁 n. 昆虫 印灸饯浇施酌顿刑熏片疵个职盖蹦儒箕贫辉边桩窄绘砂置谷肉埔咸涟养杭Unit4ectionB第一课时Unit4


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