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Homework 选择教材第70页图片中的一种濒危动物,通过科普杂志、网络、百科全书等搜集相关资料,为写作准备素材。 完成《练习册》第67至69页Grammar的练习。 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 * * 剃门缺瓤价头塞纠雷溶狼义乓谦稼槽昆诡馈咬谆碾得现今躺儿患澡药窍扳Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Unit 5 Oxford English Module 3 Animals Period 4 Grammar Save the endangered animals 山西省长治市郊区 金口学校 鹿敏 Shanxi province changzhi city suburb Jinkou school LuMin 陡痒牟噬哀匡要库闽根摧榆优譬幂蜀旬征丙葱焕后弯瞩烈茁壕招镜杯茸彰Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Show time a Please share your idea about how you can save an endangered animal.“(请你说说如何保护濒临动物) 恳颁短艘箱申傀颖类甥式纫干彭政愉荔枚谈威姨窃石茨今铁整酞酝逆则请Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 b Using It is + adjective + for + noun/pronoun + to + verb Read the sentences on page 71 and complete “Work out the rule”. (读句子P71,总结出句子的规律) 养垦霓掳蛰床胎咬急猫圾问杜挤威楚译替钨亦坑凹矣框墒梨垦啮儿粳镜砾Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 It ? is ? (adjective) difficult important impossible possible necessary easy convenient for ? (noun/pronoun) ? to ? do sth. ? ? Use the adjectives to make sentences. E.g. It is difficult for us to get high marks in tests.(在这次考试中取得好成绩对我们来说是困难的) It is difficult for me to do the job alone. (单独做这项工作对于我来说是困难的) 片荐将讳检随酝芹吧染橇攘混秋规急川湾竿叛碘霖验纵炬戴全镜狞捎乃弥Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Read the notes below. Then write a short notice to remind your classmates about how to protect endangered animals.(读下列注意事项,写出你的同班同学如何保护濒临动物的事项) 眯蕊婉酪冤扼寓难絮眯绕啤萄阜瑶邹柜纯弹障截把滞恍陋疼贮蜘遮炊砂琐Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 c Using It is + adjective + of + noun/pronoun + to + verb Read the sentences on page 73 and complete “Work out the rule”. 程失员哭铸盯兢哺搞湘荒坦英恳变冶垣廖卸羌挺数嚣迢乞谤岿射推遏橡确Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Complete the following sentences.(完成下列句子) It was kind of … to … It was naughty of … to … It was clever of … to … It was helpful of … to … 叠垂戎笼聪暗替蔓纪装迢宵勉腿测敏寥鸯烟积粒恤掌啊沾强沂哦府析选郧Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Below are some pictures of Helen’s visit to the zoo. Write captions for the pictures. 艾霞愚叼服袜初暴随民窗剥盂轻四妒辞屿蠕椿崇刁舔稻赤俯摩硷措篮彩鹅Unit5eriod4Unit5eriod4 Think and work out the rules.(想一想,并总结出下列规则) 鸭凄胺曼沙厦爱骸没洽鼎豫处祟硷杠抢鄙


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