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常见光源的色温、显色性及眩光 Common source color temperature, color and glare 所有固体、液体和气体如果达到足够高的温度,都会发射出可见光。白炽灯中的固体钨约在3000K时的炽热发光,这是我们最为熟悉的人造光源。通常是随着辐射体的温度升高而提高,辐射光色从暗红,经过桔黄、发白,然后是炽兰。这样色温也随着辐射体的温度升高而提高。这是遵循斯蒂芬—波尔兹曼定律:绝对黑体的能量亮度与物体绝对温度的四次方成正比。 All solid, liquid and gas if the temperature is high enough, emit visible light. Incandescent lamp in the solid tungsten approximately in3000K glowing, this is our most familiar with the artificial light. Is usually as its temperature rises, the radiation from the dark red color, with orange, white, and blue is blazing. So color temperature with the radiator temperature rises. This is followed by Stephen Boltzmanns Law: absolute blackbody energy brightness and the object is proportional to the absolute temperature of four. 1 色温 1 color temperature 将一标准黑体加热,随着温度升高黑体的颜色开始沿着深红-浅红-橙-黄-白-蓝逐渐改变,当某光源发出的光的颜色与标准黑体处于某温度的颜色相同时,我们将黑体当时的绝对温度称为光源的色温,以绝对温度K来表示。 A standard blackbody heating, with the increase of the temperature blackbody color begins along the crimson - red - Orange - yellow - white - blue change gradually, when the light emitted by the light source color and standard blackbody under certain temperature color phase at the same time, we will be the absolute temperature blackbody was called the source color temperature, to the absolute temperature K to represent. 基本色如下表所示: Basic color as shown in the following table 色温 光色 气氛效果 大于5000K 清凉(带蓝的白色) 清冷的感觉 三基色荧光灯 水银灯 3300-5000K左右 中间(接近自然光) 无明显视觉心理效果 三基色荧光灯 金卤灯 小于3300K 温暖(带桔花的白色) 温暖的感觉 白炽灯 石英卤素灯 2 显色性 2color 光源对物体本身颜色呈现的程度称为显色性,也就是颜色逼真的程度,显色性高的光源对颜色表现较好,我们所见到的颜色也就接近自然色,显色性低的光源对颜色再现较差,我们所见到的颜色偏差也较大,用显色指数(Ra)表示。国际照明委员会CIE把太阳的显色指数定为100,各类光源的显色指数各有相同,如:高压钠灯的显色指数为Ra=23,荧光灯管显色指数Ra=60-90。显色指数越接近100,显色性就越好。 Source object to itself the color degree called color, is color fidelity degree, high color rendering light source on the color performance is better, the colors we see is close to the natural color, the color of the light source on the color reproduction is low, we see the color deviation is larger, wit


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