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用if/whether 填空 1.I am not sure________Ill have time to go with you. 2.I dont care______your car breaks down or not. 3.It depends on______he is ready. 4.She doesnt know______to get married now or wait. 5.We discussed_______we should make a change in our plan. 6.It is unknown______he will come. 7._______ the news is true remains a question. 8.The question is_______they can take our advice. 9.The question________hell come is unknown. 10.Please let me know____he comes. 当堂检测 课时作业(七) 一.单词拼写 resign make efforts to do sth take the consequence of... be opposed to at random 辞职 努力做某事 承担...后果 反对... 任意地、随便地 二.单选 1. range from...to... 2. be opposed to doing sth 3. go down go up rise up 4.There is no doubt that... be responsible for... 5. as a result of as a consequence in consequence of 处于某范围内 反对做... 下降 上升 起义、反抗 毫无疑问的是... 对...负责 由于 结果=as a result 由于 6. subscribe to take to contribute to relate to 7. at first glance investigate 8. be doing sth. when... come about 9. a large quantity of 同意、赞成 喜欢;养成...习惯 有助于... 与...有关 乍一看=at first sight 调查 正在做...,这时(突然) 发生、产生 大量的(+不可数名词做主语,谓语动词用单数) 10. tend to do sth hope to do sth turn to get to 11. result in result from stick to 12.general disaster area in no time 倾向于做... 希望做某事 转向;求助于 到达 导致 由...引起 坚持;粘住;忠于 adj.一般的、普通的 n.将军; 受灾地区 立刻、马上 阅读理解 A. nothing more than temperature citizen lowland official fierce dissatisfaction sign Kyoto Protocol agreement 不过是、无非是 温度 市民、公民、老百姓 低地的 官员 凶猛的、猛烈的 不满意 签署 京都协议书 协议 call for greenhouse gas effectively take away generation forefather endangered 号召、呼吁 温室气体 有效地 带走、拿走 一代、一辈 祖先、祖辈 濒临灭绝的、有生命危险的 B. go green every single day an entire year over the course of organic consume give away vinegar chemical cleaner be grateful for 追求绿色、支持环保 每一天 一整年 在...的过程中 有机的 消耗、消费 分发、赠送 醋 化学清洁剂 对...感激的 Unit 4 Global warming 语言点检查二 优秀小组 优秀个人 G4 G5 G6 G8 我们以最让热烈的掌声对这些优秀同学表示祝贺 成武一中英语教研委员会 1.代表;为了



