Uni的t6 Weather - 副本.ppt

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Unit 6 Weather How is the weather? What’s the weather like? It’s a day. It’s a day. It’s a day. It’s a day. What’s the weather like? It’s snowy. What’s the weather like? It’s cloudy. What’s the weather like? It’s rainy and cool. What’s the weather like? It’s windy and cold. a year What season is it? spring warm green rain flower What season is it? summer hot rainy cloudy swim What season is it? autumn/fall cool fruit farmer leaf wind persimmon What season is it? winter cold snow ice skate Proverb: If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 1. Spring is from March to May in my hometown. 从…到… July August September October November December January February March April May June 2.In the fields, everything begins to grow. begin to do/begin doing sth. 开始做某事 注:1.主语不是人,而是it等时; 2. begin 后接表示心里活动的词 eg: know, believe, realize 3. begin 本身是ing形式,后用to do 只用to do 不定代词做主语,谓语用单数 3. I often go to the seaside on vacation with my friends in summer. 度假 go to the beach 去海边 4. We stay in a small hotel near the sea and go swimming every day. 住在… 去游泳 go shopping go skating go skiing go climbing 5. All the farmers are busy in the fields. 在田野,在战场 be busy in (doing)sth. be busy with sth. 忙于… eg: The beautiful girl is busy in picking up the flowers in the fields. 6. Farmers are very happy with their good harvest in autumn. be happy with因…而高兴 与…一起而高兴 eg: We are happy with the good news. Keys: Reading Comprehension 1. March, May 2. cool and windy 3. in April 4. it brings hope 5. go to the seaside 6. Autumn very busy 8. Their good harvest in autumn 9. snows, interesting sports Keys: Language Study ⅠUseful words and expressions 1. From …to 2. because 3. begin 4. favorite 5. stay 6.is, good for 7. bring 8.like 9. busy 10. often Keys: Language Study ⅡGrammar Focus



