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Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Section A Ways of learning English How do you study Chinese ? How do you study/learn Chinese? I study Chinese by listening it. I study Chinese by speaking it. How do you study Chinese? I study Chinese by reading it. I study Chinese by writing it. Do you have other ways of learning Chinese ? How do you study Chinese ? I study Chinese by using it everyday. I study Chinese by talking to my friend I study Chinese by watching TV everyday. I study Chinese by memorizing the words of pop songs . How do you study/learn English? I study English by using it. I study English by having English class everyday. I study English by listening to the tapes. Specific suggestions: I study English … by listening to the English class carefully . by taking notes carefully . by finishing my homework seriously . I study English by reading English book. by asking the teacher for help. by reading English magazines and newspapers . ??? By reading the textbook. (读教科书) I study by studying with a group. ??? By watching English programs on TV. ??? By enjoying English songs. I study English by taking part in English club after school . I study English by getting an English tutor. ??? By surfing the internet. (网上冲浪) By making flashcards. (制作单词认读卡片) 1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from the picture above. 2. by?介词,在被动语态中使用,表示“被…”的意思。 Eg:(1)The?house?was?destroyed?by?fire.?房 屋被火烧毁了。 (2)The classroom is cleaned by us everyday. (3) English is spoken by many people. 4.by: “在…..旁边”, “ 靠近” Eg:He stand by the door. There?is?a?factory?by?the?river.? Pairwork Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test. A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group. by reading textbook. by asking the teacher for help. by taking some notes. Lillian Li Reading English magazines, th



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