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* 基础落实 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Ⅰ.高频单词思忆 People are easily __________ (传染) by the persons who have got A (H1N1) flu. 2. You are only _________ (稍稍) underweight for your height. 3. This wounded soldier was ____________ (无意识的) for losing a lot of blood. unconscious slightly infected 4. This festival is ______________ (传统地) held in May. 5. She may be angry if you don’t reply to her ___________ (邀请). 6. Their _________________ (交流) lasted about two hours about the problem. 7. The black people are still struggling for _________ (平等) with the whites. invitation communication traditionally equality 8. The protests became more violent and many landowners were __________ (惊慌) into leaving the country. 9. I didn’t realize putting on a play _________ (包括) so much work. 10. She ____________ (做手势) her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead. panicked involved gestured panic的过去式、过去分词分别是panicked, panicked。 Ⅱ.重点短语回顾 1. be on ______保持警惕;站岗→guard ________ sth.防止;提防(某事) 2. communicate _____ sb.(与某人)交流信息;沟通 →communicate sth. __ sb.把某物传递给某人 →be ___ communication with与……交流 3. make a _____ 达成协议→deal _____ 处理;涉及 →It’s __ deal![口]成交! 4. give _____ 泄露→give in ___屈服于→give __ doing sth.放弃做某事 guard against with to in deal with a away to up 6. ___ one’s request应某人的请求→___ one’s invitation应某人之邀→___ request应要求 8. up and _____上上下下→back and ______前前后 后;来来回回 9. by _______________ 偶然→___ purpose 故意地 10. say hello/goodbye ___向……问好/说再见 →_____ sb.goodbye向某人挥手告别→_____ sb. goodbye吻别 at at on down forth accident/chance on to wave kiss 1. I don’t like the way he looks at me __ __ ___ (一上一下) before speaking to me. 2. On my way to go to school yesterday morning I met an old friend ___ _______. (偶然) 3. The car company has____ __ _____ (做成交易)with an American firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes. 4. Miss Smith is ____ _____ (不仅仅是) our English teacher, she is our


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