Gauss law培训讲义.ppt

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* Chapter 23 Gauss’ Law 1、Electric field line Electric field line and Flux (电场线和电通量) Magnitude: the number of lines per unit area is proportional to the magnitude of Direction: the direction of the tangent to a field line at a point gives the direction of Faraday “force line” 电偶极子 一对等量正点电荷 一对异号不等量点电荷 平板电容器 Characters of electric field lines: Electric field lines originate from positive charge and terminate at negative charge. 电场线从正电荷发出到负电荷终止, 中间不会间断。不会闭合,不会交叉。 These characters can be described by Gauss’s Law. Electric Flux (电通量): n E ?S ? ? Surface vector (面矢量) 1、Electric Flux for the surface △S and △S’ Then 通过某曲面电场线的条数 The number of electric field lines cross a certain surface 2、the electric flux for an arbitrary Gaussian surface 3、 the electric flux for a closed Gaussian surface The direction of surface vector extends from inward to outward (1)the flux of electric filed due to a point charge through a spherical surface Gauss’ Law Gauss’ law relates the net flux of an electric field to the net charge that is enclosed by the surface. 设 外有一封闭曲面 ,两曲面之间没有电荷,由电场线的连续性可知 即同一点电荷激发的场强的电通量与封闭曲面的形状无关,只与点电荷电量有关。 (2)the flux of electric filed due to a point charge through an arbitrary closed surface (3)the flux of electric filed due to any charged system through an arbitrary closed surface A charged isolated Conductor Electrostatic equilibrium (静电平衡) Conductor has many free electrons. When a conductor is charged or placed in a electric field the conduction electrons will quickly distribute themselves in such a way that the net internal electric field is zero, and there is no movement of charge. 当导体带电或至于外静电场中,导体内电荷很快移动使导体内部电场为零,且导体上无电荷移动。 1、A conductor is placed in an external static electric field 内部电场为零 表面电场垂直于表面 2、a charged isolated conductor A conductor with a cavity(中空的导体) There is no net charge on the cavity walls; all the charge remains on the outer surface of conductor. *


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