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Chapter 4 Porsity and Permebility 201114450101 11石油1班 尹守春 At each stage of a field life cycle raw data has to be converted into infomation , but for the information to have value it must influence decidion making and profitablity . Porsity and permebility are the badic and key information to evaluate reservoir. 在每个阶段的领域生命周期原始数据转变成信息,有价值的信息必须影响决策和利润。孔隙度和渗透率是评价储层基本信息的关键。 While it is true that geologists study rocks , much applied geology is concerned with the study of holes within rocks.This is of vital importance both in the search for oil , gas and ground water , and in locating regional permeability barriers which control the entrapment and precipitation of low temperature ore minerals. 事实上,地质学家研究岩石,而应用地质学更多的是关于岩石内部孔隙的研究。这项研究是非常重要的对于寻找石油、天然气和地下水,以及定位区域的渗透性,渗透性控制低温矿物的截留和沉积。 201114450103 11石油1班 蔡壮onglomerates?generally?have?a?matrix?of?sand.?and?sanstones?may?have?a?matrix?of?silt?and?caly.?cement?is?post-depositional?mineral?growth?which?occurs?within?the?voids?of?sediment.?pores?are?the?hollow?spaces?not?occupied?by?grains?matrix?or?cement. 一般来说砾岩由含沙基质和含泥沙,粘土,基质的砂岩组成。细孔是由没有纹理,基质,胶结物占用的空洞构成 201114450105 11石油1班 宋晓磊 Pores may contain gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide, or hydrocarbons such as methane. Pores may be filled by liquids ranging from potable water to brine and oil. Under suitable conditions of temperature and pressure, pores may be filled by combinations of liquid and gas. 空隙中可能存在气体,像二氧化氮和二氧化碳或者碳氧化合物如甲烷。空隙可能被从饮用水到海水和油的液体充满。在适当的温度和压力条件下,空隙可能被液体和气体的混合物充满。 201114450107 11石油1班 赵梦丹 The porosity of a rock is the ratio of its total pore space to its total volume, i.e. for given sample: porosity=total volume - bulk volume. The porosity may be expressed as a decimal fraction but is most often expressed as a percentage. Hence: Porosity=Volume of total pore space/Volume of rock sample ×100% 岩石的孔隙度是岩石的总孔隙体积与岩石总体积的比值,也就是说,对于一个给定的样本:孔隙度=岩石总体积-除孔隙外的体积。 孔隙度可能会表示为一个小数,但大多时候它表示为一个百分比。因此:孔隙度=总孔隙体积╱岩石样本的体积 ×100%。 201114450108 11石油1班 陈凯强For example


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