Global Warming(英汉双译).doc

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六盘水师范学院 10级化工班 主讲:陆儒锦 Global Warming 1.What Causes Global Warming? What is really causing the global warming and effects of global warming were beginning to see worldwide? 是什么原因导致全球变暖? 什么是真正导致全球变暖和我们开始看到世界Serious Effects of Global Warming Serious Effects of Global Warming Already Have Begun, says IPCC.The effects of global warming in the 21st century and beyond are expected to be disastrous, according to the.summary of a scientific report issued on April 6, 2007 by the world’s leading panel of climate change scientists. And many of those changes are already under way. no person on Earth will escape its consequences. The effects of global warming will be felt in every region and at all levels of society. therefore, in some sense, this does become a global responsibility. 全球变暖的严重影响。 气委会表示,全球变暖这样严重的影响已开始. 在21世纪及以后的全球变暖的影响,预计将是灾难性的,根据2007年4月6日气候变化的科学家小组发出的全球领先的科学总结报告,许多这些变化已在进行之中。全球变暖的影响是在每一个地区和社会各级 地球上没有任何人能逃脱它的后果。因此,在某种意义上,这成为一个全球性的责任。Findings of the report include: Projected climate change is likely to affect millions of people. Heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts will cause increased death, disease and other harm. Global warming is also expected to lead to more deaths due to malnutrition, diseases that cause diarrhea, cardio-respiratory diseases related to higher concentrations of ground-level ozone, and wider distribution of diseases carried by insects, rodents, etc. 报告结果,包括: 预测的气候变化可能影响到千百万人谁已经很脆弱。热浪,暴雨,洪水,火灾和干旱将导致增加的死亡,疾病和其他危害。全球变暖也将导致更多的死亡是由于营养不良,疾病引起的腹泻,心肺疾病相关的高浓度的地面臭氧,和更广泛的分布,由昆虫传播的疾病,啮齿动物,等。? Millions more people are projected to be at risk from coastal flooding due to sea level rise, especially in densely populated and low-lying settlements that already face other challenges, such as hurricanes and tropical storms. 由于海平面上升数百万人预计在危险的沿海洪水,尤其是在人口密集和低洼区已经面临的其他挑战,如飓风和热带风暴? Approximately 20-30 percent of plant and animal species assessed so far are likely to be at higher risk of extinction if increases in global average temperatu


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