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Section Ⅲ Learning about Language Using Language 重点单词 本地的; 当地的审判; 审讯; 试验水手; 海员; 船员sink vi. 下沉; 沉下争论; 辩论根据; 证据清楚的; 明白的; 显而易见的; 显然的绘画; 画油漆; 绘画explode vi. 爆炸爆炸入口进入非正式的正式的 重点短语拆开在审判中同意关心介意在乎而不是在午夜ance_to ……的入口看重; 器重 重点句型be doing sth. when... 正在做某事这时……(正在一家二手家具店里看这时) he saw an amazing object among the many different vases and can be proved that...句型中为形式主语从句为真正的主语(能被证实) China has more people than any other country in the world.nor位于句首用部分倒装(我也不认为) they should give it to any government. Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.What is a fact? A.It’s anything that can be proved. B.It’s an opinion that can be proved. C.It’s anything that you think right. D.It’s an opinion that you think right. 2.What does a judge care about? A.The eyewitness’s opinion. B.The eyewitness’s appearance. C.The eyewitness’s education. D.The true information. 3.What does the first passage tell us? A.What is a fact. B.What is an opinion. C.A judge believes in true information more than an opinion. D.What is a fact, what is an opinion and what a judge expects in a trial. 答案:1~3.ADD evidence n.[U]证据根据; 证明(教材P)So an opinion is not good evidence in a trial. 因此在审判中看法不是强有力的证据。 (1)There is some evidence that...  有证据证明……(2)evident adj. 明显的明白的很明显……evidence of life on other planets. 目前我们没有在其他行星上存在生命的证据。(evident) that outdoor activities are good for us. 有证据显示进行户外活动对我们有好处。(evidence) that his house was completely destroyed in the earthquake. 很明显他的房子在地震中被彻底摧毁了。 explode vi.爆炸; 激增; 爆发(教材P)In April 1945 I heard something explode at midnight. 1945年的4月我半夜突然听到爆炸声。 (1)explode with  突然……(2)explosion n. 爆炸 exploded suddenly, and he was injured slightly. 烟花突然爆炸了他受了轻伤。exploded with anger on hearing his troop was attacked suddenly. 当听说他的军队被突然袭击时司令员勃然大怒。ge to the buildings around.(explode) 如果煤气管道发生爆炸爆炸会对周围的楼房造成极大损害。 entrance n.入口(教材P)To my surprise the entrance to the mine was closed. 令我惊讶的是煤矿入口被封住了。 (1)the entrance to+地点 ……的入口大学入学考试(2)enter v. 进入  entrance. 作为报答当地人在


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