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Issue 367 广州陈嘉庚纪念中学 张妮妮 辽宁省实验学校北校 董冰 Battle of the titans (P1) Do you know about Batman and Spider-Man? Can you tell the differences between them? Which one do you like better? Why? While reading True or false: ( F ) 1. Batman and Spider-Man visited China on August 27. ( T ) 2. Both Batman and Spider-Man wear masks. ( F ) 3. Spider-Man’s parents died when he was young. While reading True or false: ( F ) 4. Both superheroes got their superpowers by accident. ( T ) 5. People love Batman and Spider-Man because they can do what we want to do but are unable to achieve. ( T ) 6. The Batmobile was made by Batman himself. Post-reading activities Oral practice Tell about the two characters according to the article, using the key words. Spider-Man: Peter Parker, high school boy, photographer, parents, superpower, bite Batman: Bruce Wayne, businessman, playboy, lonely, dark, parents, fight, evil, gadgets, power Post-reading activities Writing: Watch one of the two movies and write a short review on it. Use the phrases in the article to complete the sentences 1. 学生经常需要与困难抗争。 Students often need to _______ _______ difficulties. 2. 太吵了以致于她不能集中精神看书。 It was so noisy that she _____ _____ _____ concentrate on the book. 3. 这家店只卖高科技产品。 This shop only sells _________ products. Race against time as fire spread (P3) Have you ever experienced any fire disasters? What should you do when a fire breaks out? What should you do when you see a wildfire happen? While reading Choose the correct answers: ( A ) 1. A wildfire happened when _________. A. Cortney was training. B. Cortney was taking part in a contest. C. Cortney was calling her grandparents. D. Cortney was moving horses to their stables. While reading Choose the correct answers: ( C ) 2. When they noticed the fire, _________. A. they ran away at once. B.


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