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* * In sales, opportunity knocks Issue.1097 March 25, 2015 Late founder remembered Pair Work Detailed Study In sales, opportunity knocks General Questions Discuss with your partner about the following question. 1.Why do these college graduates look down upon sales job? Do you have any ideas? 2.Are you willing to be a salesperson? Why or why not? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sales job in your mind? Pair Work Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible. Instruction 1.What did Zhang Ming choose to do after he graduated? 2. How does Zhang think of the job? He feels the job is rewarding and that it teaches him persistence. “Salespeople hear the word ‘no’ all the time. Over time I started to see it as a challenge, not rejection,” he said. General Questions He chose a profession that many of his peers look down on — He’s a salesperson at a travel agency in Xiamen, Fujian province. 3.What did Xing Zhi say about sales job? 4.What did the survey by Hult International Business School find out? Xing Zhi, HR director of Huhe Trading Co Ltd in Hangzhou, agreed and brought sales jobs to a higher level by saying they provide graduates with the foundation of any successful career. General Questions A survey of business leaders by Hult International Business School in the US rated “strong sales skills” as a top 10 critical skill of today’s workplace. 5. Why sales job is not easy according to Yang Yi? 6. How did Paul McCord evaluate sales job? According to Yang Yi, “Since they have limited experience and resources, it’s hard for graduates to fit in a sales position quickly,” he said. “Many gave up when they were still at the entry level.” General Questions Paul thinks a sales job is the touchstone of management work. He said, “A tour of sales should be mandatory for any executive. Trying to run a company with only sales theory as a reference isn’t going to get you far — you gotta h


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