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单频机 双频机 Types of GPS receivers Global Positioning System GPS Types of GPS receivers Global Positioning System GPS GPS Receiver Manufacturers ? Over 67 GPS manufacturers and over 467 types of receivers, 106 antennas ! (GPS World, January 2000) Ashtech/Magellan Garmin Leica NovAtel Inc. http://www.novatel.ca Trimble Topcon/Javad Global Positioning System GPS GPS positioning service ? To keep the military advantage, the U.S. DoD provides two levels of GPS positioning and timing services: 1) the Precise Positioning Service (PPS) and 2) the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) ? PPS is the most precise autonomous positioning and timing service ? It uses one of the transmitted GPS codes, known as P(Y)-code, which is accessible by authorized users only. ? The expected accuracy is 16m for the horizontal component, and 23m for the vertical component (95% probability level). ? SPS uses the second transmitted GPS code, known as the C/A-code, which is available free of charge to all users worldwide. ? The accuracy is 100m for horizontal and 156m for vertical. ? With discontinuing the SA, the SPS accuracy is comparable to PPS. Three methods of positioning Autonomous (S/A degraded): 100 meters price: $200-$1,500; size: handheld; time: instantaneous; limited mapping application Differential (S/A removed): sub-meter to 5 meters price: $3,000-$20,000; size: handheld, hip-pack; time: one second - ten minutes; real-time or post-processed DGPS Phase differential (S/A removed): centimeter price: $10,000-$30,000; size: back-pack; time: one second to one hour; real-time or post-processed DGPS * Code phase positioning Carrier phase positioning is also performed but it is beyond the scope of this presentation * Well known distance formula Can start to see that very fine measurements of time intervals are necessary for the system to be able to produce a meaningful measurement of distance * * Satellites are uniformly distributed around the receiver * Satellites are well dispersed around


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