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组员:CN ZY GMY Something About Pressure Something About Pressure The general phenomenon The effects of pressure (GOODBAD) The pressure in our lives (SCHOOL LIFE) The solutions (for disadvantages) Something About Pressure The general phenomenon Now in the society, everyone is required to work study in a high pace. We are surrounded by different types of pressure. What makes you feel stressed ? A family problem Being sick Death of a loved one Organizing a party Rush to finish the Paper before the deadline `````` Something About Pressure The pressure in our lives (SCHOOL LIFE) The exam The keen competition Interpersonal relationship The part-time job Love life Graduation thesis Lots of tasks `````` Something About Pressure The effects of pressure (GOODBAD) Positive aspect Motive power To get used to the keen competition Improve work efficiency Make you work harder to improve yourself `````` Something About Pressure The effects of pressure (GOODBAD) Negative aspect Health killer Make you feel nervous upset, dejected, depressed Cut the working efficiency Lack of confidence Argument with others `````` Something About Pressure A suicide problem on overseas student High pressure: Homesick Cannot blend into the environment Study abroad costs too much `````` 化学天才留美博士王庆根2012年4月6日自杀 赴美留学生杨明轩(音)于2012年1月10日持枪自杀 赴加拿大张姓中国女留学生攒学费为小费与客人争执照片被贴上网 不堪舆论压力自杀 ······ Something About Pressure The solutions (for disadvantages) 1 2 Go out for more fresh air Share with your family friends They will always support you and be proud of you Something About Pressure The solutions (for disadvantages) 4 3 Sleeping is always a good choice. Do some reading Nowadays, reducing pressure by sleeping has become the most “in” way between office ladies and students Focus on the book so that you can forget what bothers you currently. 5 6 Something About Pressure The solutions (for disadvant


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