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摘 要 随着知识经济时代的来临,人力资源在经济发展和企业经营中的重要地位日益突出,人力资源管理日益成为受人瞩目的研究领域。由于社会制度和文化背景等因素的影响,各国企业的人力资源管理各有其特色。在德国,贯穿企业人力资源管理的一个重要思想是重视人性管理,尊重员工自身价值,给予员工参与管理的权力,强调个人与企业整体的配合。这在企业雇佣制度、劳资协调体制、员工参与管理制度,以及职业培训制度中有充分的体现。通过对德国企业人力资源管理的了解及分析,得出其管理优势方面:如愈加成熟和科学的选聘方式;社会化和法制化的职业培训体系;战略与业务推动相结合的绩效管理方法;被欧洲企业积极推崇的动态薪酬制度以及劳资双方的“社会伙伴”关系等。 关键词:人力资源 人性管理 配合 社会伙伴 Abstract With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, human resources in economic development and the important role of business in the increasingly prominent, human resources management is increasingly becoming the subject of attention in the research field.The social system and cultural background and other factors, national human resource management companies have their own characteristics.In Germany, human resources management throughout the enterprise is an important idea is to attach importance to humanity, respect the value of its own staff, the powers given to workers involved in the management, emphasizing the overall co-ordination of individuals and businesses.This is in the enterprise employment system, labor coordination structure, employee participation in the management system and the vocational training system has fully manifested.German companies through the understanding of human resource management and analysis, the advantages of its management areas: such as hiring more mature and scientific manner; social and legal system of the vocational training system; to promote the combination of strategy and business performance management;respected by European companies active system and the dynamic between employers and employees pay the social partnership and so on. Key word:human resources humanity management cooperate Social partnership 目 录 引言……………………………………………………………………………………1 一、德国机械制造业概况……………………………………………………………2 1、德国机械制造业的独特结构…………………………………………………2 2、机械制造业在德国国民经济中的地位………………………………………2 二、德国机械制造企业的人力资源现状……………………………………………2 1、实施“双轨制”的职业培训…………………………………………………2 2、对在职人员的继续教育和再培训……………………………………………4 3、灵


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