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摘 要 随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,人们对于纯净水要求也逐渐提升,可口、方便、卫生已成为人们选择纯净水的重要标准。如今人们所消费的桶装水种类也日趋丰富,现在各种特色的纯净水在市面上都能看得到,所以为了提高桶装水的竞争力,质量是一个方面,但方便快捷也是人们选择桶装水的另一个方面。 本论文以攀枝花学院及其附近周围冰点水配送中心的选址为研究对象,引入设施选址理论、重心法理论和相关知识以及层次分析法知识,先运用重心法理论建立数学模型,通过数学模型得出冰点水配送中心的初次地址,然后对冰点水配送中心的初次地址进行分析评价,选出具有代表性的三个候选地点,再对各备选地点的基本情况进行简单的阐述,确定影响配送中心选址选择的具体因素,根据这些因素之间的关系建立递阶结构模型,对同一层次的各个因素关于上一层次中某一准则的重要性进行两两比较,构建判断矩阵并进行一致性检验,再根据判断矩阵计算被比较要素对于该准则的相对权重,计算各层要素对目标层的总权重并对各个备选方案进行排序,最后确定出攀枝花学院及其附近周围冰点水配送中心的最佳选址地点。 关键词: 配送中心选址,重心法,层次分析法,冰点水 ABSTRACT With the development of economy, the improvement of peoples living standard, people for purified water requirement also gradually improve, delicious, convenient, health has become an important standard of people choose pure water. Now people consume bottled water type is rich, various characteristics of pure water on the market now can see, so in order to improve the competitiveness of the bottled water quality is an aspect, convenient but also people choose another aspect of bottled water. This paper by panzhihua college around and around the freezing point of water distribution centers location as the research object, the introduction of facility location theory, theory of gravity method, and relevant knowledge and analytic hierarchy process (ahp), on the basis of the theory of gravity method to establish mathematical model, through mathematical model for the freezing point of water distribution center address first, and then analyze the freezing point of water distribution center the first address of evaluation, selected a typical three candidate locations, and basic situation of the various alternatives for simple elaboration, determine the specific factors influencing the distribution center location selection, according to the relation of these factors to establish the interpretative structural model, on the same level of various factors on the level of the importance of a certain criter


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