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________________________________________Today’s Lesson 答案及讲解 Questions 3~5 refer to the following talk. Many women desire to have a slender body and think eating less is the best way to achieve that goal. If you are a light eater, look out. In ten years, you may find yourself overweight. A recent study by Dr. Martha Dobbins at Zurich University School of Public Health shows light eaters eat less, but not necessarily low-fat foods. They often skip meals without replacing them with nutrients they need. This kind of restrictive eating habit is difficult to maintain and often leads to excessive eating. A well-balanced and nutritious diet is a preferable way to stay in good shape. 解释:很多女性梦想得到一个苗条的身材,她们认为少吃东西是达到该目标的最佳途径。如果你吃的很少,那你要小心了。十年后你可能会发现自己体重超重了。苏黎世大学公众健康学院Martha Dobbins博士的最新研究结果表明:节食的人吃的少,但并不是说一定要摄取低脂食品。吃的少的人经常不吃饭,并且不能经常得到替代食品的营养供给。而要严格维持这种的饮食习惯是非常困难的,这样很可能导致暴饮暴食。要保持好的身材,营养均衡的节食才是最为可取的办法。 词汇: desire 渴望 / slender 苗条的 / achieve 实现,达成 / overweight 超重的 / study 研究 / not necessarily 不是必需的/ low fat 低脂 / skip 跳过 / replace 代替 / nutrient 有营养的 / restrictive 受限制的/ eating habit 饮食习惯 / maintain 维持 / excessive 过多的,过分的 / well-balanced 均衡的 / nutritious 有营养的 / stay in good shape 保持良好身材,保持健康 PART IV 答案: A 讲解:考试时有时会出现提问听众是谁的题,这时一般文中会出现多处解题线索。在这道题中,注意文中出现的第二人称you和your。 If you are a light eater, you may find yourself overweight. 这句话告诉了我们听众是谁了。 3~5 3. Who are the listeners? (A) Dieters (B) Overweight women (C) Nutritionists (D) Heavy eaters 听众是什么人? (A) 节食者 (B) 超重的女人 (C) 营养学家 (D) 吃得多的人 Lesson 15. 电话留言 讲话 ________________________________________Today’s Lesson 答案及讲解 PART IV 答案: C 讲解:考试中包含3个提问的讲话会有2~3段,一般来说,各题的解题线索会在文中按顺序出现。这对于我们解题更为有利。最后这道题的解题线索出现在最后一句话中,A well-balanced and nutritious diet is a preferable way to stay in good shape。 4. What does the recent study show? (A) Sweets are worse than fatty foods. (B) Restrictive eating habits are important to dieters. (C) Light eaters do not necessarily eat low-fat foods. (D) It is desirable to skip meals. 最近的研究结果表明了什么? (A


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