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`````` 七年级上册 一般疑问句: 首字母大写,句末用问号; I变you, my变your (1)含be动词的句子: 把be动词提前 I am a student.→ Are you a student? (2)含实义动词的句子: 找助动词(do或does)并提前,后跟动词原形 I like bananas.→Do you like bananas. She likes bananas.→Does she like bananas? 特殊疑问词 what什么(问事物、东西) who“谁”(问人) where“在哪里”(问地点) when “什么时候”(问时间) why“为什么”(问原因→because) how“怎么样、如何”(问程度) how old“多少岁”(问年龄) how much“多少钱”(问价格) what color“什么颜色”(问颜色) what什么(问事物、东西) What is your/his/her name? What is your/his/her telephone number? What is your/his/her favorite subject? What is this in English? What is your/his/her name? first name(名) last name(姓) Jenny Smith Zhang Lili What is your/his/her telephone number? Its............. What is your/his/her favorite subject? What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English. Chinese, P.E. music, art, history, math, geography,science,English Why do you like English? Because its interesting. Who is your English teacher? My English teacher is Miss Zhao. When is your English class? Its from Monday to Friday. what color“什么颜色”(问颜色) What color is the cup? Its yellow. black red white brown purple orange green blue. who“谁”(问人) Who is she? Who is the boy in black? Who is your math teacher? where“在哪里”(问地点) Where is the book? on(在...上) Its in (在....里) the desk. under (在...下) Where is Tom? He is in the school library. when “什么时候”(问时间) When is your birthday? My birthdy is on December 1. When is the English party? Its in September . When is your music class? Its on Thursday. When do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 8:00. (on后两个期;in后年月季;at后跟时间点) how“怎么样、如何”(问程度) How are you? I am


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